释义 |
[/ˈprɪ; ˋpærɪ/] v (pt, pp parried) [Tn] 用法: 1 turn aside or ward off (a blow or an attack) by using one's own weapon or one's hand to block it (用手中武器或徒手)格开, 挡开(打击). =>illus at fencing (fence) 见fencing插图. 用法: 2 (fig 比喻) avoid having to answer (sth) 对(某事)避而不答, 支吾搪塞: parry an awkward question 回避一令人尴尬的问题. parry 2 n act of parrying, esp in fencing and boxing 挡开, 闪避(尤指击剑和拳击中). |