释义 |
n (infml) 用法: 1 act or occasion of paying money (esp a bribe) to sb 付给某人钱(尤指贿赂). 用法: 2 deserved reward or punishment (应有的)报偿, 惩罚. 用法: 3 climax of a story or of a series of events (故事或事件的)高潮. pay off (infml) (of a risky policy, course of action, etc) bring good results; be successful; work (尤指冒风险的政策、 做法等)带来好结果, 成功, 行得通: The gamble paid off. 赌赢了. pay sb off (a) pay the wages of sb and dismiss him from a job 付清某人工资予以解雇: pay off the crew of a ship 付清全体船员工资并予以解雇. (b) (infml) give money to sb to prevent him from doing sth; bribe sb 用钱收买某人使之不做某事; 贿赂某人. pay sth off pay in full (money owed for sth) 全部偿还; 偿清: pay off one's debts, a loan, a mortgage, etc 还清债务、 贷款、 抵押款等. |