[/ˈpɪkɪt; ˋpɪkɪt/] n 用法: 1 worker or group of workers stationed outside the entrance to a place of work during a strike to try to persuade others not to enter (罢工时守在工作地点门口阻拦他人上班的)纠察队员, 纠察队: Five pickets were injured in the scuffle. 在混战中有五名罢工纠察队员受伤. * [attrib 作定语] a `picket line, ie a line of pickets, eg outside a factory 罢工纠察线. 用法: 2 small group of people on police duty or of soldiers sent out to watch the enemy 警察或士兵的警戒队. 用法: 3 pointed stake set into the ground, eg as part of a fence or to tether a horse to 尖板条(作篱笆或栓马用的): [attrib 作定语] a picket fence 尖板条栅栏. picket 2 v 用法: 1 (a) [Tn] place pickets at (a place of work) (在工作地点)设置罢工纠察队: picket all the company's offices 在公司所有的办公室附近设置罢工纠察队. (b) [I, Tn] act as a picket at (a place of work) 担任罢工纠察员: Some of the union members did not want to picket. 工会的一些会员不想担任罢工纠察员. 用法: 2 [Tn] place (guards) in position 布置(警卫)警戒. 用法: 3 [Tn] enclose (a place) with stakes or make secure with a stake 用尖板条围住(某地); 用尖板条围护. |