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单词 piece 1
释义 [/piːs; pis/] n

1 [C usu pl 通常作复数] (used esp after the preps in, into, to 尤用於介词in、 into、 to之後) (a) any of the parts of which sth is made 部件; 部分:
He lost one of the pieces of his model engine. 他的火车头模型缺了一个零件. *
The table is made in five pieces. 这桌子是五部分组成的. *
pull sth/take sth/come to pieces 拆散某物[散成碎块] *
The furniture is delivered in pieces and you have to assemble it yourself. 家具送货时是散件的, 得自己装配.
(b) any of the portions into which sth breaks 碎片; 碎块; 断片:
The vase shattered into a thousand pieces. 花瓶已经粉碎了. *
The cup lay in pieces on the floor. 地上是那杯子的碎片. *
break, hack, pull, smash, tear sth to pieces 打碎、 劈碎、 扯碎、 砸碎、 撕碎某物 *
The boat (was) smashed to pieces on the rocks. 船触礁而撞碎了.

2 [C] ~ (of sth) (a) amount of a substance (separated or broken from a larger piece) (从大物体上分离下来的)块, 片, 段, 截:
buy a piece of glass to fit the window frame 买块玻璃安窗户 *
put a piece of wood on the fire 向火里添块木头 *
get a piece of grit in one's eye 眼里迷进一粒沙子 *
a piece (ie a slice) of bread, cake, meat, etc 一块面包、 蛋糕、 肉等.
(b) amount or area of sth, esp for a particular purpose (某物质的)块, 片, 段, 截(尤指有某用途的):
a piece of chalk, ie for writing with 一枝粉笔 *
a piece of land, ie for farming or building on 一块地(耕地或建筑用地) *
a piece (ie a sheet) of paper 一张纸. =>Usage 见所附用法.

3 [C] ~ of sth (a) single instance or example of sth (事情的)项, 桩, 条:
a piece of advice, information, luck, news, treachery 一个忠告、 一项信息、 一件幸事、 一则新闻、 一宗背叛事件 *
a fine piece of work 一部好作品.
(b) single article; item 件; 个:
a piece of furniture, jewellery, luggage, porcelain 一件家具、 珠宝、 行李、 瓷器.

4 [C] (a) (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) any of the parts of a set 一套中的任何一件、 一部分:a jigsaw with 1000 pieces 有一千块板片的拼图玩具 *
a three-piece suite, ie a sofa and two armchairs 三件一套的沙发(一张长沙发及两张单座沙发) *
a 50-piece orchestra, ie with 50 players 50人的管弦乐队.
(b) any of the small objects or figures used in board games, esp in chess 棋子.

5 [C] standard length of cloth, wallpaper, etc as an item for sale (按标准长度整件出售的布、 壁纸等的)匹, 卷, 条:
cloth sold by the piece 按匹发售的布.

6 [C] ~ (of sth) (a) (in art, music, etc) single work or composition (艺术品、 音乐等的)幅, 篇, 首:
a piece of music, poetry, sculpture 一支乐曲、 一首诗、 一件雕刻.
(b) essay or newspaper article 文章; 报道:
Did you read her piece in today's paper? 你看过今天报纸上她那篇文章吗?

7 [C] coin 硬币:
a ten-pence piece 十便士硬币 *
a five-cent piece 五分硬币 *
a piece of eight, ie an old Spanish silver coin 一个西班牙旧时银币.

8 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (infml becoming dated derog 口, 渐旧, 贬) woman or girl 女人; 丫头:
a nice little piece 小乖妞儿 *
Do you know the piece he was with last night? 你认识昨晚和他一起的那个女人吗?

9 [C] (dated 旧) (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) gun 枪; 炮:
a `fowling-piece, ie a gun for shooting wildfowl 鸟枪.

10 [sing] (US infml) distance 距离:
His house is over there a piece. 他的房子在那边, 离这儿有一段距离.

11 (idm 习语) a bit/piece of tail => tail. bits and pieces => bit1. give sb a piece of one's `mind (infml) tell sb frankly what one thinks, esp when one disapproves of his behaviour 坦诚相告(尤指不满对方行为). go (all) to `pieces (of a person) have a breakdown; lose control of oneself (指人)(精神、 身体方面)崩溃, 失去自制力:
After the car accident, she seemed to go to pieces. 撞车事故後, 她好像精神崩溃了. *
He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news. 人们告诉他那悲惨的消息後, 他已六神无主了. in one `piece (of a person) unharmed, esp after a dangerous experience (指人)无恙, 平安, (尤指)脱险:
They were lucky to get back in one piece. 他们安全返回, 十分幸运. a nasty piece of work => nasty. (all) of a piece with sth (a) consistent with sth 与某事物一致:
The new measures are all of a piece with the government's policy. 新措施和政府的政策完全一致.
(b) of the same substance or character as sth 与某物同一物质或同一性质. pick/pull sb to `pieces criticize sb, esp when they are absent 批评, 痛斥某人(尤指背後). pick/pull sth to `pieces argue against sth; find fault with sth 批驳某事; 吹毛求疵. pick up the pieces/threads => pick3. ,piece by `piece one part at a time 一块一块地:
The bridge was moved piece by piece to a new site. 把那桥一段一段地运到了新址. a piece/slice of the action => action. a ,piece of `cake (infml) thing that is very easy 容易的事:
The exam paper was a piece of cake. 那份试卷十分容易. *
Persuading him to give us the day off won't be a piece of cake. 要说通他放我们假可不是容易事. a piece of goods => goods. say one's piece => say. take a piece out of sb reprimand sb severely 痛斥某人. the villain of the piece => villain. piece 2
The word piece can often be replaced by a more specific word *piece一词常可用较具体的词替换:
a slice of bread 一片面包 *
a bar of soap 一块肥皂. Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned. 查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词, 请参考有关词条. piece 3
[/piːs; pis/] v (phr v) piece sth together (a) assemble sth from individual pieces 拼合、 凑合或组装某物:
piece together a jigsaw 装配好线锯 *
piece together the torn scraps of paper in order to read what was written 把破碎的文件拼凑起来以阅读其内容.
(b) discover (a story, facts, etc) from separate pieces of evidence 从各种证据中发现(事情原委、 事实等):
We managed to piece together the truth from several sketchy accounts. 我们从几方面粗略的说法中设法弄清了真相.





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