[/ˈpɪnɪən; ˋpɪnjən/] n (fml 文) 用法: 1 (a) outer segment of a bird's wing (鸟翼的)翼梢. (b) (dated 旧) bird's wing 鸟翼; 翅膀. 用法: 2 any of the stiff feathers which support a bird when it is flying; flight-feather 飞羽; 拨风羽. pinion 2 v 用法: 1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth against/to sth; ~ sth together bind or hold (sb or sb's arms) to prevent him moving 绑住或固定住(某人或某人的胳膊): They were pinioned against the wall by the lorry. 那辆卡车把他们挤到墙根动弹不得. * He was held with his arms pinioned together behind his back. 他被捉住反剪著双臂. 用法: 2 [Tn] cut off the pinions from (a bird or its wing) to prevent it from flying 剪去(鸟或鸟翼)的飞羽. pinion 3 [/ˈpɪnɪən; ˋpɪnjən/] n small cog-wheel with teeth which fit into those of a larger cog-wheel 小齿轮; 副齿轮. Cf 参看 rack1 3. |