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单词 place 1
释义 [/pleɪs; ples/] n

1 [C] particular area or position in space occupied by sb/sth 地方; 场所; 所在地:
Is this the place where it happened? 这就是事发地点吗? *
This place seems familiar to me I think I've been here before. 这地方好像很熟悉--大概我从前来过这里. *
I can't be in two places at once. 我分身乏术. *
He loves to be seen in all the right places, ie at all the important social events. 他喜欢在所有重大的社交场合上出头露面.

2 [C] city, town, village, etc 城、 镇、 村等:
We saw so many places on the tour I can't remember them all. 我们旅行到过很多地方, 我记都记不清. *
This town is the coldest place in Britain. 这镇子是英国最寒冷的地方. *
Australia is a big place. 澳大利亚这个地方很大.

3 [C] ~ (of sth) (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) building or area of land used for a particular purpose or where sth occurs (作某用途或发生某事的)建筑物或场所:
a `meeting-place, `birthplace, `hiding-place, etc 会面地点、 出生地、 隐蔽所 *
places of amusement/entertainment,ie theatres, cinemas, etc 娱乐场所(戏院、 影院等) *
a place of worship, ie a church 礼拜的场所(教堂) *
He can usually be contacted at his place of business/work. 通常可在他的办公[工作]地点和他联系. *
a place of learning, eg a university 做学问的地方(如大学) *
one's place of birth/death 出生[死亡]之地.

4 [C] particular spot or area on a surface 物体表面的某点或某处:
a sore place on my foot 脚的痛处 *
The wall was marked with damp in several places. 那堵墙有几处潮斑.

5 [C] particular passage or point in a book, play, etc (书、 戏剧等的)某段落或某点:
The audience laughed in all the right places, eg in a play. 观众看到有趣处无不大笑不已(如在观剧时). *
Put a piece of paper in (ie in your book) to mark your place. 在你读到的地方夹上张纸条.

6 [C] seat or position, esp one reserved for or occupied by a person, vehicle, etc 座位或位置(尤指某人、 车等保留或占据的):
Come and sit here I've kept you a place. 到这儿来坐--我给你占了一个座位. *
There's only one place left in the car park. 停车场里只剩一个位置了. *
the place of honour at the head of the table 餐桌上首的贵宾席 *
There will always be a place for you here if you decide to come back. 只要你决定回来, 这里永远给你保留位置. *
Return to your places and get on with your work. 各回各位去干自己的工作吧. *
(fig 比喻) have an assured place in history 在历史上占有一定的地位 *
I went to buy a newspaper and lost my place in the queue. 我去买了份报纸, 回来就找不到我排队中的位置了. =>Usage at space 用法见space.

7 [sing] rank, position or role in society (used esp with the vs shown) (社会的)等级, 地位, 身分(尤与所示动词连用):
keep/know one's place 保持个人的地位[知道自己的身分] *
forget one's place, ie not behave according to one's social position 举止与身分不合 *
not be one's place (ie one's proper role) to give advice 无资格进言.

8 [C] (a) position or office, esp as an employee 职位或职务(尤指雇员的):
She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. 她希望获得一份公职.
(b) opportunity to study at a school or university (在学校)学习或研究的机会:
She was awarded a place at the Royal College of Music. 她获得皇家音乐学院的学籍. *
The ballet school offers free places to children who are exceptionally talented. 该芭蕾舞蹈学校给有特殊天赋的儿童提供免费学习的机会.
(C) membership of a sports team 运动队员的资格或身分:
She worked hard for her place in the Olympic team. 她为进入奥林匹克运动队而努力.

9 [C] (a) natural or suitable position (for sth) (某物的)自然的或恰当的位置:
Put everything away in its correct place. 把东西放到该放的地方去. *
(saying 谚) A place for everything and everything in its place. 物各有其位, 物各在其位. *
The dustbin is the only place for most of these clothes. 这些衣服大都只配进垃圾箱.
(b)(usu negative 通常用否定式) suitable or proper location(for sb to be) (某人的)相宜的或应在的地方:
A railway station is no place for a child to be left alone at night. 火车站可不是让儿童在晚上独自呆的地方. *
City streets are no place to be if you don't like noise or crowds. 要是怕吵、 怕人多就别上街.

10 [C] (mathematics 数) position of a figure after a decimal point, etc (小数点後的)位:calculated/correct to 5 decimal places/5 places of decimals,eg 6.57132 计算[精确]到小数点後5位数(如6.57132).

11 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (a) (in a competition) position among the winning competitors (竞赛中)获胜者的名次:
He finished in third place. 他得了第三名.
(b) (in horse-racing) position among the first three, esp second or third (赛马的)位置(获胜的前三名, 尤指第二名或第三名):
Did you back the horse for a place or to win? 那匹马你买的是位置还是独赢?

12 [C] (a) house, esp a large one in the country 房子; (尤指)乡间巨宅:
They have a flat in town as well as a place in the country. 他们在城里有一套公寓, 在乡村还有一所房子.
(b) (infml) home 家:
We're having the party at my place. 我们的聚会在我家举行.

13 Place [sing] (esp Brit) (a) (as part of a name for a short street, square etc 用於短街、 广场等名称中):
Langham Place 兰厄姆广场.
(b) (as part of a name for a large country house 用於乡村巨宅的名称中):
Wakehurst Place 韦克赫斯特山庄.

14 (idm 习语) all `over the place (infml) (a) everywhere 到处:
Firms are going bankrupt all over the place. 各地的商行都纷纷破产了.
(b) in an untidy state; disordered 凌乱; 紊乱; 杂乱:
The contents of the drawers were strewn all over the place. 抽屉里的东西乱七八糟.* Your hair is all over the place. 你的头发乱蓬蓬的. change/swap `places (with sb) (a) take sb's position, seat, etc and let him take one's own 与某人交换位置、 座位等:
Let's change places you'll be able to see better from here. 咱们换一下位置吧--你从这儿看清楚些.
(b) be in sb else's situation or circumstances 在他人的处境或环境:
I'm perfectly happy I wouldn't change places with anyone. 我十分愉快--这种幸福我跟谁都不换. fall, fit, slot, etc into `place (of a set of facts or series of events) begin to make sense in relationship to each other (指一系列事实或事件)开始有头绪:
It all begins to fall into place. 一切开始明朗了. give place to sb/sth be replaced by sb/sth; give way to sb/sth 为某人[某事物]所取代; 让位给某人[某事物]:
Houses and factories gave place to open fields as the train gathered speed. 火车越开越快, 把房子和工厂抛在後面进入了一片开阔的田野. `go places (infml) be increasingly successful, esp in one's career 不断进展(尤指在个人事业上):
two young people who are really going places 两个事业顺利的年轻人. have one's heart in the right place => heart. in the `first, `second, etc place (used eg when making points in an argument 用於如列举理由时) firstly, secondly, etc 第一点、 第二点等. in high places => high1. in `my, `your, etc place in my, your, etc situation or circumstances 处於我的、 你的等情况、 处境:
What would you do in my place? 你要是处於我的地位, 你怎样做? *
In her place I'd sell the lot. 我要是她就全部卖掉. in `place (a) in the usual or proper position 在平常的或应在的地方:
She likes everything to be in place before she starts work. 她喜欢东西都摆好再开始工作.
(b) suitable or appropriate 合适的; 恰当的:
A little gratitude would be in place. 应当略表谢意. in place of sb/sth; in sb's/sth's place instead of sb/sth 代替某人[某事物]:
The chairman was ill so his deputy spoke in his place. 主席有病, 所以由副主席代为致词. lay/set a `place put cutlery, dishes, etc for one person in position on the table 在餐桌上摆上一份一人用的餐具:
Set a place for him when you lay the table he may come after all. 铺桌子时给他摆上一份餐具--毕竟他有可能来. lightning never strikes in the same place twice => lightning. lose one's place => lose. out of `place (a) not in the usual or a correct or suitable place 不在平常的或应在的或适当的地方.
(b) unsuitable; improper 不适合的; 不适当的:
Her criticisms were quite out of place. 她的批评太不相宜了. *
Modern furniture would be out of place in a Victorian house. 在维多利亚时代式的房子里摆设现代家具很不谐调. a place in the `sun situation of equal or shared privilege 平等的或均等的有利地位或处境:
Nations that had been oppressed for centuries were now fighting for a place in the sun. 多少世纪以来受压迫的国家现在都在争取平等. pride of place => pride. put oneself in sb else's/sb's `place imagine oneself in sb else's situation or circumstances 设想自己处於他人的地位或处境. put sb in his (proper) `place humiliate sb who has been impertinent or boastful 对无礼的或自夸的人加以羞辱:
He tried to kiss her but she quickly puthim in his place. 他想要吻她, 她顿时让他自讨没趣. take`place occur; happen 发生:
When does the ceremony take place? 仪式什麽时候举行? *
We have never discovered what took place (between them) that night. 我们从未发觉那天晚上(他们之间)发生了什麽事情. =>Usage at happen 用法见happen. take sb's/sth's place; take the place of sb/sth replace sb/sth 代替某人[某事物]:
She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place. 她不能出席会议, 所以由助手替她. *
Nothing could take the place of the family he had lost. 他失去了家庭, 这一损失是无法弥补的. there's ,no place like `home (saying 谚) one's home is the best place to be 哪里也不如自己的家. place 2
[/pleɪs; ples/] v

1 [, Tn.p] (a) put (sth) in a particular place 将(某物)置於某处:
He placed the money on the counter. 他把钱放在柜台上. *
The notice is placed too high nobody can read it. 布告贴得太高--谁也没法看.
(b) put (sth) in its proper place 将(某物)放在应放之处:
Be sure to place them correctly. 务必把这些东西放对地方. *
He placed the books in order on the shelf. 他把书按顺序摆在书架上.

2 [, Tn.p] put (sb) in the situation or circumstances specified (used esp as in the expressions shown) 使(某人)处於某处境或环境(尤用於以下示例):
place sb in charge/command (of sth), ie make him the leader 让某人负责[指挥](某事物) *
place sb under arrest, ie arrest him逮捕某人 *
place sb in a dilemma/difficult position/quandary, ie make matters difficult for sb 使某人进退两难[处於困境/犹豫不决] *
place one's faith/trust in sb/sth 信赖某人[相信某事物] *
place confidence in sb, ie be confident that he will help, etc 对某人抱有信心 *
Responsibility for the negotiations was placed in his hands, ie He was made responsible for them. 由他负责谈判事宜.

3 [Tn] identify (sb/sth) by using one's memory or past experience 凭记忆或经验辨认(某人[某事物]):
I've seen his face before but I can't place him. 我以前见过他, 但我认不出他是谁. *
She has a foreign accent that I can't quite place. 她有外国口音, 但我听不出是哪儿的口音.

4 [Tn,, Tn.p] make a judgement about (sb/sth) in comparison with others; class (sb/sth) 经比较评价(某人[某事物]); 将(某人[某事物])分类:
I would place her among the world's greatest sopranos. 我认为她可以算是世界上第一流的女高音.

5 [Tn,] ~ sth (with sb/sth) give (an order or a bet) to a person or firm (向某人或某公司)发(定单)或打(赌):
They have placed an order with us for three new aircraft. 他们向我们订购了三架新飞机. *
Place your bets now the race begins in half an hour! 现在可以下赌注--赛事於半小时後开始!

6 [Tn,] ~ sb (in sth); ~ sb (with sb/sth) find a home, job, etc for sb 为某人找到、 安排或安置(家、 工作等):
The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum. 该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作. *
They placed the orphans with foster-parents. 他们为这些孤儿找到了养父养母.

7 [Tn,] invest (money), esp in order to earn interest 投(资):
The stockbroker has placed the money in industrial stock. 证券经纪人已用那笔钱购入了工业股票.

8 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态:
Tn, Cn.a] state the finishing position of runners (in a race) or contestants (in athletics) (体育竞赛中)定出(选手的)名次:
He was reponsible for placing the winners. 他负责评定选手名次. *
She was placed third. 她被定为第三名.

9 (idm 习语) be placed (a) (Brit) (in horse-racing) finish first, second or third (赛马中)得第一、 第二或第三名.
(b) (US) (in horse-racing) finish second (赛马中)得第二名.





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