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单词 plant 1
释义 [/plɑːnt; US plænt; plænt/] n

1 [C] (a) living organism that is not an animal, which grows in the earth and usu has a stem, leaves and roots 植物:
Plants need light and water. 植物需要光和水. *
[attrib 作定语] `plant life 植物.
(b) any of the smaller kinds of these as distinct from shrubs or trees 花草:
garden plants *
a `strawberry plant 一株草莓 *
plants flowering in the window-box 窗口花坛中开著花的花草.

(a) [U] machinery, equipment, etc used in an industrial or a manufacturing process (用於工业生产中的)机器、 设备等:
The firm has made a huge investment in new plant. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备. *
[attrib 作定语] `plant hire, ie renting of machines or equipment 机器租赁.
(b) [C] piece of machinery or equipment 机器; 设备:
The farm has its own `power plant. 这家农场自己有发电设备. 3[C] (esp US) place where an industrial or a manufacturingprocess takes place; factory 工厂:
a `chemical plant 化工厂 *
a nuclear re`processing plant 核燃料後处理工厂. =>Usage at factory 用法见factory.

4 [C] (infml) (a) thing placed deliberately so that its discovery willmake an innocent person appear guilty; false or misleadingevidence 栽赃物; 伪证:
He claimed that the stolen jewellery found in his house was a plant. 他声称在他家中发现的那些失窃的珠宝是有人给他栽赃.
(b) person who joins a group of criminals, conspirators, etc in order to spy on them for others (在犯罪、 阴谋等集团中卧底的)眼线, 坐探:
They discovered that he was a police plant. 他们发现他是警方的眼线. plant 2
[/plɑːnt; US plænt; plænt/] v

1 (a) [Tn,] put (plants, seeds, etc) in the ground to grow 种植; 栽种:
plant flowers around the pool 在池子周围栽花 *
We planted beans and peas in the garden. 我们在花园中种菜豆和豌豆. *
Plant in rows two feet apart. 每隔两英尺种一行.
(b) [Tn,] ~ sth (with sth) put bushes, trees, flowers, etc in (a garden, flower-bed, etc) 在(花园、 花圃等)中栽种花草树木:
plant a garden 在花园中种花 *
plant the border with spring flowers 在边上种上春天开花的植物 *
mountain slopes planted with conifers 栽有松柏的山坡. Cf 参看 sow2.

2 [] (a) place (sth) in position firmly or forcefully 牢固地或用力地安放(某物):
He planted his feet firmly on the ground. 他在地上双脚站得很稳. *
He stood with his feet planted wide apart. 他两脚叉开很大距离站著.
(b) (infml) position (oneself) 使(自己)处於某一位置:
plant oneself in a chair in front of the fire 坐到炉前的椅子上.

3 [Tn,] (infml) (a) ~ sth (on sb) hide sth where it will be found in order to deceive sb or make an innocent person seem guilty 给某人栽赃:
plant stolen goods on sb 把赃物栽给某人 *
He claimed that the weapons had been planted (on him). 他称那些武器是别人(给他)栽的赃.
(b) ~ sb (in sth) cause sb to join a group secretly, esp to spy on its members 使某人秘密加入一集团; (尤指)安插眼线或坐探:
The police had planted a spy in the gang. 警方在那团伙中安插了一名坐探. *
The speaker's supporters were planted in the audience and applauded loudly. 听众中安插了演讲人的支持者; 他们使劲给他鼓掌.

4 [] ~ sth in sth fix or establish (an idea, etc) in sb's mind 给某人灌输(某思想等):
Who planted that idea in your head? 是谁给你灌输的这种思想? *
His strange remarks planted doubts in our minds about his sanity. 他那些怪话使我们心中生疑, 不知他精神是否正常.

5 [] deliver (a blow, etc) with deliberate aim 给以(一击等):
plant a kiss on sb's cheek 在某人的面颊上吻一下 *
plant a blow on the side of sb's head 向某人头侧一击 *
plant a knife in sb's back 把刀插入某人的背上.

6 (phr v) plant (sth) out place (plants) in the ground so that they have enough room to grow 移栽, 移植(植物):
plant out tomato seedlings 把西红柿移栽到地里.





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