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单词 please 1
释义 [/pliːz; pliz/] v

1 [Tn] be agreeable to (sb); make (sb) happy 使(某人)满意或愉快:
It's difficult to please everybody. 很难做到人人满意. *
Our main aim is to please the customers. 我们的目的是让顾客满意. *
He's a very hard/difficult man to please. 他是个很难让人讨好的人. *
I shall have nothing to do on holiday but please myself, ie do as I like. 我在假日只图快乐, 别的什麽事都不做.

2 [I] (in subordinate clauses beginning with as or what 用於以as或what开头的从句中) (fml 文) (a) think desirable or appropriate; choose 认为满意或合适; 愿意:
You may stay as long as you please. 你爱呆多久就呆多久. *
Take as many as you please. 你要拿多少就拿多少.
(b) want; like 想要; 喜欢:
That child behaves just as he pleases. 那孩子想干什麽就干什麽. *
I shall do as I please. 我喜欢怎麽做就怎麽做. *
Do what you please. 你想做什麽都行.

3 (idm 习语) ,if you `please (a) (fml 文) (used when making a polite request 用於客气的请求):
Come this way, if you please. 请您这边走.
(b) (used to express annoyance or outrage when reporting sth 用於转述某事时表示恼怒或愤恨):
And now, if you please, I've been told I'm to get nothing for my work! 嘿, 真岂有此理, 听说我是白干工作毫无报酬! *
He says the food isn't hot enough, if you please! 他竟然说吃的东西不够热, 你听听这话! ,please `God may God let it happen; if it is pleasing to God 但愿上帝让它实现; 若天意如愿:
Please God, things will start to improve soon. 但愿事情很快开始好转. *
She'll get better one day, please God. 她总有一天会好起来的, 愿上帝开恩. ,please your`self (ironic 反语) do as you like; I don't care what you do 请便; 我才不在乎你做什麽呢:
`I don't want to come with you today. ' `Oh, please yourself then!' `我今天不想和你一起去.'`哦, 请便吧!' please 2

1 (a) (used as a polite way of making a request or giving an order 用於客气的请求或吩咐):
Please come in. 请进. *
Come in, please. 请进. *
Two cups of tea, please. 请来两杯茶. *
Tickets, please! 请把票拿出来! *
Would you go now, please! 请您现在走吧!
(b) (used to add emphasis or urgency to a request or statement 用以加强请求或陈述的语气或迫切性):
Please don't leave me here alone! 请别把我一个人留在这里! *
Please, please, don't be late! 可千万别迟到! *
Please, I don't understand what I have to do! 真是的, 我不明白该做什麽好!

2 (infml) (used when accepting an offer emphatically 在接受别人好意时用以加强语气) yes, please 那太好了:
`Shall I help you carry that load?' `Please!' `我帮你拿那个重东西好吗?'`那太好了!'

3 (idm 习语) yes, please (used as a polite way of accepting the offer of sth 用作接受好意时的客气话) I accept and am grateful 我接受并且感谢:
`Would you like some coffee?' `Yes, please. ' `你要点咖啡吗?'`好的, 谢谢.' *
`Would you like a lift into town?' `Yes, please. ' `你愿意顺便坐我的汽车去伦敦吗?'`好哇, 谢谢你.





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