[/ˈplʌmɪt; ˋplʌmɪt/] n 用法: 1 (weight attached to a) plumb-line 测深锤; 铅锤; 铅垂线. 用法: 2 weight attached to a fishing-line to keep the float upright (钓丝上的)铅坠, 坠子(用以使鱼漂竖起). plummet 2 v [I, Ipr, Ip] fall steeply or rapidly 大坡度或快速落下: House prices have plummeted in this area. 此地房价大跌. * Pieces of rock plummeted down the mountainside to the ground below. 岩石一块块顺著山的陡坡滚落到地面. |