释义 |
[/pəˈlemɪk; pəˋlɛmɪk/] n (fml 文) 用法: 1 (a) [C] ~ (against/in favour of sth/sb) speech, piece of writing, etc containing very forceful arguments (against or for sth/sb) (反对或赞成某事物[某人]的)慷慨陈词, 辩论文章: He launched into a fierce polemic against the government's policies. 他猛烈地抨击政府的政策. (b) [U] such speeches, pieces of writing, etc 慷慨陈词; 辩论文章: engage in polemic 进行辩论. 用法: 2 polemics [pl] art or practice of arguing a case formally and usu forcefully 辩论法; 争辩术. |