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单词 pop 1
释义 [/pɔp; pɑp/] n

1 [C] short sharp explosive sound 短促清脆的爆破声:
The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. 瓶塞砰的一声拔出来了.

2 [U] (infml) (esp non-alcoholic) fizzy drink (尤指不含酒精的)起泡饮料; 汽水:
a bottle of pop 一瓶汽水.

3 (idm 习语) in pop; US in hock (sl 俚) in pawn 已典当; 在当铺里. pop 2
adv with a pop 砰的一声:
It came out pop. 那东西砰的一声就出来了. *
go pop, ie make a pop 发出短促清脆的爆破声. pop 3
[/pɔp; pɑp/] n (infml) (used esp as a term of address 尤用作呼唤语) (a) father 爸爸. Cf 参看 papa, poppa.
(b) any older man 老大爷; 老伯伯. pop 4
[/pɔp; pɑp/] n [U, C usu pl 作不可数名词或可数名词, 後者通常作复数] (infml) modern popular style, esp in music 现代流行风格(尤指音乐的):
pop music, culture 流行音乐、 普及文化 *
a pop singer, song, concert 流行歌曲歌手、 流行歌曲、 流行歌曲音乐会 *
top of the pops, ie the most popular current recordings 最受欢迎的流行音乐录音. Cf 参看 classical 2. pop 5
[/pɔp; pɑp/] v (-pp-)

1 [I, Ip] make a short sharp explosive sound (as when a cork comes out of a bottle) 发出短促清脆的爆破声(如拔瓶塞的声音):
Champagne corks were popping (away) throughout the celebrations. 庆祝会上开香槟酒瓶塞的砰砰声不绝於耳.

2 [Tn] cause (sth) to burst with such a sound 使(某物)破裂, 发出短促清脆的声音:
The children were popping balloons. 孩子们把汽球弄得劈啪作响.

3 [Tn] (US) dry (corn) until it bursts open and puffs up 爆(玉米):
pop maize 爆玉米花.

4 [Ip] ~ away/off (at sth) (infml) fire a gun (at sth) (向某物)开枪:
They were popping away at the rabbits all afternoon. 他们一下午都在用枪打兔子.

5 [Tn] (dated Brit infml 旧, 口) pawn (sth) 典当(某物).

6 (idm 习语) pop the `question (infml) make a proposal of marriage 求婚.

7 (phr v) pop across, down, out etc come or go quickly or suddenly in thedirection specified (迅速或突然)来, 去:
He's just poppeddown the road to the shops. 他刚才急匆匆地沿这条路去商店了. *
She's popped over to see her mother. 她赶著去看她的母亲. *
He's only popped out for a few minutes. 他刚出去一会儿. *
Where's Tom popped off to? 汤姆一眨眼上哪里去了? pop sth across, in, into, etc sth put or take sth somewhere quickly or suddenly (迅速或突然)将某物放到或带到某处:
pop a letter in the post 把信一下子投进邮筒 *
She popped the tart into the oven. 她把果馅饼很快地放进烤箱里. *
He popped his head round the door to say goodbye. 他从门口探进头来说了声再见. pop in make a brief visit 作短暂的访问; 来或去一会儿:
She often pops in for coffee. 她常来喝杯咖啡. pop sth in deliver sth as one is passing 顺便带交某物:
I'll pop the books in on my way home. 我要在回家时顺路把这些书送到. pop off (infml) die 死:
She said she had no intention of popping off for some time yet.她说她还想多活几天. pop out (of sth) come out suddenly 突然出来:
The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch. 我们一打开兔箱, 兔子就突然跑出来了. *
(fig 比喻) His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw what he had won. 他一看到自己赢得的东西, 顿时两眼瞪得大大的. pop up (infml) appear or occur, esp when not expected 出现, 发生(尤指出乎意料):
He seems to pop up in the most unlikely places. 在他似乎绝不可能到的地方, 他往往就在那里出现. pop 6
abbr 缩写 = population:
pop 12m, ie 12 million 人口1200万.





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