[/prɪˏsɪpɪˈteɪʃn; prɪˏsɪpəˋteʃən/] n 用法: 1 [U] (fml 文) violent haste 迅急; 匆促; 仓促; 鲁莽: to act with precipitation 仓促行事. 用法: 2 [U] separation of a solid substance from the liquid in which it is held 沉淀; 淀析. 用法: 3 (a) [C] fall of rain, sleet, snow or hail (雨、 雨夹雪、 雪、 雹子等的)降落: a heavy precipitation 一场大雨(或雨夹雪、 雪、 雹子). (b) [U] amount of rain, etc thatfalls in an area 某地区降雨等的量: the annual precipitationof the region 该地区的年降雨量. |