adv 用法: 1 (a) exactly; just 精确地; 恰好: at 2 o'clock precisely 正好在两点钟 * I can't remember precisely what happened. 我记不准所发生的事情了. * That is precisely what I mean. 那正是我的意思. * The two accounts are precisely the same. 这两种说法如出一辙. (b) in a precise(2) manner; carefully 精确地; 细心地: He enunciated the words very precisely. 他吐字非常清楚. 用法: 2 (used to express agreement with a statement and often to suggest that it states the obvious 用以表示同意并常含有当然如此之意) you are right; quite so 对; 的确如此: `But if the delivery is late, we will lose the order!' `Precisely.' `可要是不能如期交货, 我们就要失去这笔生意!'`的确如此.' |