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单词 preferable
释义 [/ˈprefrəbl; ˋprɛfrəbl/] adj (not used with more 不可与more连用) ~ (to sth/doing sth) to be preferred (to sth); more desirable or suitable (对某事物来说)更可取的, 更称心的, 更适宜的:
Cold food would be preferable in this heat. 在这样的热天吃冷食更好. *
He finds country life preferable to living in the city. 他感到在乡村生活比在城市生活要好些. *
Anything was preferable to that dreadful din in the house. 这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加. preferably[/ˈprefrəblɪ; ˋprɛfrəblɪ/] adv rather than anything, anywhere,etc else (较之其他任何事物、 处所等)更可取:
She wanteda cake, preferably one with chocolate icing. 她想吃蛋糕, 最好是有巧克力糖衣的. *
They want to buy a new house, near the sea preferably. 他们要购买一所新房子, 最好在海边.




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