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单词 produce 1
释义 [/prəˈdjuːs; US -ˈduːs; prəˋdus/] v

1 [Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) create sth by making, manufacturing, growing, etc 制造、 生产、 出产或创造某事物:
America produced more cars this year than last year. 美国今年生产的汽车比去年多. *
She has produced very little (work) recently. 她近来作品很少. *
Linen is produced from flax. 亚麻布是以亚麻纤维为原料制造的. *
He worked hard to produce good crops from poor soil. 他辛勤耕作, 为使瘠薄的土地上长出好庄稼. *
a well-produced book, ie one that is printed, bound, etc well 印制得很好的书.

2 [Tn] cause (sth) to occur; create 引起(某事物); 产生:
The medicine produced a violent reaction. 这药物引起了剧烈的反应. *
His announcement produced gasps of amazement. 他宣布的消息引起了一片惊叹声.

3 [I, Tn] bear or yield (offspring or crops) 生育(子女); 产(仔); 出产(农产品):
The silkworms are producing well. 这些蚕的吐丝量很大. *
The cow has produced a calf. 这母牛生了一头小牛. *
The soil produces good crops. 这种土壤能长出好庄稼来. *
The cows are producing a lot of milk. 这些母牛的产奶量很大.

4 [Tn,] ~ sth (from/out of sth) bring out or show sth so that it can be examined or used 拿出或出示某事物(以供检验或使用):
produce a railway ticket for inspection 出示火车票以供查验 *
The man produced a revolver from his pocket. 那人从衣袋里掏出一支左轮手枪. *
He can produce evidence to support his allegations. 他能提出证据以表明他的指控属实.

5 [Tn] arrange the performance of (a play, an opera, etc) or the making of (a film, TV programme, record, etc) 安排上演(戏剧、 歌剧等); 制作(影片、 电视节目、 唱片等):
She is producing `Romeo and Juliet' at the local theatre. 她正在当地的剧院里安排演出《罗密欧与朱丽叶》. *
He hopes to find the money to produce a film about Japan. 他希望筹集到资金以便拍一部关於日本的影片.

6 [Tn,] ~ sth (to sth) (mathematics 数) make (a line) longer (so that it reaches a particular point) 将(一线)延长(至某点):
produce the line AB to C 把线段AB延长到C点. produce 2
[/ˈprɔdjuːs; US -duːs; ˋprɑdus/] n [U] things that have been produced (produce 1), esp by farming 产品; (尤指)农产品:
fresh produce 新鲜的农产品 *
agricultural, farm, garden produce 农业的、 农场的、 园圃的产品 *
It says on the bottle `Produce of France'. 瓶上标有`法国制造'的字样.





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