[/-ʃənəlɪzəm; -ʃənəlɪzm/] n [U] 用法: 1 (approv 褒) (a) skill or qualities of a profession or its members 专业技能; 特长; 职业特性: You can rely on your solicitor's professionalism in dealing with the house purchase. 你尽可依靠律师处理购房事宜. (b) great skill and competence 精湛的技艺; 熟的功夫: They were impressed by the sheer professionalism of the performance. 他们赞佩表演炉火纯青. 用法: 2 practice of employing professionals (professional 2) in sport 在体育竞赛中雇用职业选手的做法. |