[/prəˈfaund; prəˋfaʊnd/] adj 用法: 1 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (fml 文) deep, intense or far-reaching; verygreat 深的; 深切的; 深远的; 极度的; 极大的: a profoundsigh, silence, sleep, shock 一声长叹、 一片死寂、 一阵酣睡、 一次沉重的打击 * take a profound interest in sth 对某事物产生极大的兴趣 * profound ignorance 极度的无知 * profound changes 深刻的变化. 用法: 2 (a) [usu attrib 通常作定语] having or showing great knowledge or insight (into a subject) 知识渊博的; 见解深刻的: a profoundawareness of the problem 对问题的深刻理解 * a profoundthinker 学识渊博的思想家 * a man of profound learning 博学的人. (b) needing much study or thought 需要研究或思考的; 深奥的: profound mysteries 难解之谜. |