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单词 protection
释义 [/prəˈtekʃn; prəˋtɛkʃən/] n

1 ~ (for sb) (against sth) (a) [U] protecting or being protected 保护; 防卫:
appeal for protection from the police 请求警方给予保护 *
The shady trees provide protection against the burning rays of the sun. 树木成荫可以遮挡炽热的阳光. *
Our medical insurance offers protection (ie payment for medical treatment) for the whole family in the event of illness. 我们的医疗保险可为生病的任何家庭成员提供保障.
(b) [C] thing that protects 防护物:
He wore a thick overcoat as a protection against the bitter cold. 他穿著厚实的大衣以抵御严寒.

2 [U] system of protecting (protect 2) home industries by taxing foreign goods 贸易保护措施(藉徵收进口税以保护国内工业):
Textile workers favoured protection because they feared an influx of cheap cloth. 纺织工人拥护贸易保护措施, 因为他们担心涌入廉价纺织品.

3 [U] (a) (system of) paying money to gangsters so that one's business will not be attacked by them (为免生意受歹徒袭扰而向其)缴纳保护费(的做法):
[attrib 作定语] The gang were running protection rackets in all the big cities. 这帮歹徒在各大城市里干著勒索保护费的勾当.
(b) (also protection money) money paid to gangsters for this purpose (为免受袭扰而向歹徒缴纳的)保护费:
He was paying out half his profits as protection. 他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费.





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