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单词 pump 1
释义 [/pʌmp; pʌmp/] n

1 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) machine or device for forcing liquid, gas or air into, out of or through sth, eg water from a well, petrol from a storage tank, air into a tyre or oil through a pipe-line 泵; 唧筒; 抽水机; 抽气机; 打气筒:
A pump in the boiler sends hot water round the central heating system. 热水器中的水泵将热水输送给集中供热设备. *
a petrol pump 汽油泵 *
She blew up the flat tyre with a bicycle pump. 她用自行车打气筒给瘪了的轮胎打气. *
The doctor removed the contents of her stomach with a stomach pump. 医生用胃唧筒给她洗胃. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xiii.

2 pumping (pump1 v 1) action 泵的抽吸、 压送、 充气等动作:
After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了几下之後, 水流出来了. *
give sb's hand a pump, ie shake it energetically up and down 握住某人的手用力上下摇动.

3 (idm 习语) all hands to the pump => hand1. parish pump => parish. prime the pump => prime3. pump 2

1 [Tn,, Cn.a] cause (air, gas, water, etc) to move in a specified direction by using a pump1(1) 用泵等抽出或压入气体、 液体等:
pump air into a tyre 给轮胎打气 *
The heart pumps blood round the body. 心脏将血液压送到全身.

2 [I] (a) use a pump1(1) 使用泵等:
You will need to pump hard for several minutes to fill the tank. 你需用泵著实抽吸几分钟, 才能把油箱灌满.
(b) (of the heart or blood) beat (指心脏)跳动; (指血液)脉动:
Her heart was pumping very fast. 她的心脏跳得很快.

3 [Tn, Tn.p] (infml) move (sb's hand) up and down like the handle of a pump 握住(某人的手)上下摇动(如唧筒的手柄):
He pumped my hand (up and down) vigorously. 他握住我的手用力地(上下)摇晃.

4 [Tn,] ~ sb (for sth); ~ sth out of sb (infml) try to obtain (information) from sb by asking persistent questions 追问某人以探知(信息):
He tried to pump the secretary for information. 他极力向秘书打探消息. *
She succeeded in pumping the name of the winner out of him. 她从他的口中打听到了获胜者的名字.

5 (phr v) pump sth in; pump sth into sth/sb (a) invest much money (in sth) 将大量资金投入(某事物):
The firm pumped money into the development of the new product. 这家企业投入大量资金以开发这种新产品.
(b) (infml) persuade or force sb to learn sth 劝说或驱使某人学习某事物:
She tried to pump some facts into his head before the examination. 在考试前她极力向他灌输一些知识. pump sth up inflate (a tyre, etc) by pumping (pump1 v 1) air into it 给(轮胎等)充气. pump 3
[/pʌmp; pʌmp/] n

1 = plimsoll.

2 light soft shoe worn for dancing, etc (跳舞等穿的)轻而软的鞋.

3 (esp US) woman's low-heeled shoe without a fastening 无带的矮跟女鞋.





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