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单词 pure
释义 [/pjuə(r); pjʊr/] adj (in senses 1b, 1c, 2 and 4 用於下述第1b、 1c、 2、 4义时比较级作 -r, -st [/ˈpjuərə(r),ˈpjuərɪst; ˋpjʊrɚ, ˋpjʊrɪst/])

1 (a) not mixed with any other substance 纯的; 纯净的; 纯粹的:
pure cotton, gold, silk, wool, etc 纯棉、 纯金、 纯丝、 纯毛 *
The room was painted pure white. 这房间漆成了纯白色. *
(fig 比喻) pure bliss, happiness, etc 极乐、 至福.
(b) without harmful substances; clean or unadulterated 无有害物质的; 洁净的; 不搀杂的:
pure water 洁净的水 *
The air is so pure in these mountains. 这些山区里的空气格外清新.
(C) [usu attrib 通常作定语] of unmixed origin or race 血统纯的; 纯种的:
She has pure gypsy blood in her veins. 她血管里流的是纯吉普赛人的血液. *
He is a pure Red Indian. 他是血统纯正的北美印第安人.

2 without evil or sin, esp sexual sin; virtuous, chaste 无邪的; 清白的; 有操守的; (尤指)贞洁的:
(rhet 修辞) pure in body and mind 身心纯洁 *
pure thoughts 纯洁的思想 *
a pure young girl 纯真无邪的年轻姑娘 *
keep oneself pure 洁身自好 *
His motives were pure. 他的动机很单纯.

3 [attrib 作定语] nothing but; mere or sheer 单纯的; 仅仅的; 完全的:
They met by pure accident. 他们的相见纯属偶然. *
pure folly, extravagance, nonsense 愚蠢透顶、 十足的浪费、 一派胡言 *
do sth out of pure kindness, malice, mischief, etc 完全出於好意、 恶意、 戏弄人的动机等而做某事 *
It was pure chance that I was there. 我刚巧在那儿.

4 (of sound) clear and unwavering (指声音)清晰的, 不发颤的:
a pure note, voice, etc 纯音、 纯正的嗓音.

5 [attrib 作定语] (fml 文) dealing with or studied for the sake of theory only; without practical application 纯理论的; 非实用的:
pure mathematics 理论数学 *
pureart, ie art created for its own sake, and not for decoration,eg painting, sculpture, etc 纯艺术(为艺术而艺术而不以装饰为目的, 如绘画、 雕塑等). Cf 参看 applied (apply).

6 (idm 习语) (as) pure as the driven snow extremely pure(2) 纯真无邪的; 玉洁冰清. ,pure and `simple (infml) (used after the n referred to 用於所指名词之後) and nothing else; sheer 纯粹的; 十足的:
It's laziness, pure and simple. 这纯粹是懒惰. *
The reason for the change is lack of money, pure and simple. 进行更改的原因就是缺少经费.





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