单词 | put oneself out |
释义 | (infml) do sth even though it is inconvenient for oneself 虽对自己不便而仍做某事: Please don't put yourself out on our account. 请你不要为了我们而难为你自己. * She's always ready to put herself out to help others. 她总是乐於舍己助人. put sb out (a) make sb unconscious (by striking him, with an anaesthetic, etc) 使某人失去知觉(予以打击、 使用麻醉剂等): He put his opponent out in the fifth round. 他在第五个回合中将对手击昏. (b) cause inconvenience to sb 使某人感到不便: I hope our arriving late didn't put them out. 我希望我们迟到一事不致给他们带来麻烦. (C) upset or offend sb 使某人不安; 得罪某人: She was most put out by his rudeness. 她非常厌恶他行为粗鲁. * He looked rather put out. 他看来不太高兴. put sth out (a) take sth out of one's house and leave it, esp for sb to collect 将某物置於门外(尤指待人取走): put out the dustbins, the empty milk bottles, etc 把垃圾箱、 空奶瓶等放到外面去 * Have you put the cat out yet? 你把猫赶出去了吗? (b) place sth where it will be noticed and used 把某物放在看得见用得著的地方: put out ashtrays, bowls of peanuts 摆出烟灰缸、 盛有花生的碗 * put out clean towels for a guest 为客人预备好乾净的毛巾. (C) (of a plant) sprout or display (leaves, buds, etc) (指植物)生长出(叶、 芽等): The trees are beginning to put out shoots. 这些树正在发芽. (d) produce or generate sth 生产或产生某物: The plant puts out 500 new cars a week. 该厂每周生产500辆新汽车. (e) issue, publish or broadcast sth (usu for a particular purpose) 发布、 出版或广播某事物(通常为有某目的): Police have put out a description of the man they wish to question. 警方公布了那男子的特徵, 希望找他问话. (f) cause sth to stop burning 使某物停止燃烧: Firemen soon put the fire out. 消防队员很快把火扑灭了. * put out a candle, cigarette, pipe 把蜡烛、 香烟、 烟斗熄灭. (g) switch sth off 关掉某物: put out the lamp, light, gas fire 关灯、 熄灯、 关掉煤气取暖器. (h) dislocate (a part of the body) 使(身体某部)脱位: She fell off her horse and put her shoulder out. 她从马上摔了下来, 肩关节脱臼了. (i) cause (a figure, result, calculation, etc) to be wrong 使(数字、 结果、 计算等)出错: The devaluation of the pound has put our estimates out by several thousands. 英镑一贬值使我们的估计数差了几千镑. put sth out (to sb) (a) give (a job, task, etc) to a worker or manufacturer who is not one's employee and will do the work in another place 把(工作、 活儿等)送出去请别人做: A lot of proof-reading is put out to freelancers. 校对工作有很多是请外人做的. * All repairs are done on the premises and not put out. 一切修理工作都在场址内进行, 不送到外面去做. (b) lend (money) to sb in order to get interest on it 贷(款)给某人: Banks are putting out more and more money to people buying their own homes. 银行向买房者放款越来越多了. put `out (to.../from...) (of a boat or its crew) move out to sea from a harbour, port, etc (指船只或全体船员)出海: put out to sea 出海 * We put out from Liverpool. 我们自利物浦起航. |
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