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单词 race 1
释义 [/reɪs; res/] n

1 ~ (against/with sb/sth); ~ (between A and B) (a) [C] contest of speed between runners, horses, vehicles, etc to see which reaches a certain place first, or does sth first (人、 马、 车等的)速度竞赛:
a `horse-race 赛马 *
a `boat-race 划船比赛 *
a half-`mile race 半英里赛跑 *
run a race with sb 同某人赛跑 *
We had a race (ie a great hurry) to repair the house before winter. 我们争取在冬季到来以前修好房子.
(b) the races [pl] =race-meeting:
a day at the races 赛马大会的一天. =>Usage at sport 用法见sport.

2 competition or rivalry 比赛; 竞争:
the race for the presidency 总统竞选.

3 [C] strong fast current of water in a river, the sea, etc (河、 海等的)急流:
a tidal race 潮汐引起的急流 *
a `mill-race, ie a channel taking water to the wheel of a water-mill 磨坊水磨的进水槽.

4 (idm 习语) a ,race against `time desperate effort to do or finish sth before a certain time 和时间赛跑:
It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation. 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而分秒必争. the rat race => rat. race 2
[/reɪs; res/] v

1 (a) [I, Ipr, It] ~ (against/with sb/sth) take part in a race 参加速度竞赛:
race for the prize/to win the prize 参加有奖速度比赛 *
The lorries were racing against each other. 一辆辆的卡车在争先恐後地行驶. *
The cars raced round the track. 汽车围著跑道进行比赛.
(b) [Tn,] compete with (sb/sth) in speed 与(某人[某事物])进行速度竞赛:
I'll race you to school, ie try to get there before you do. 我要和你比赛看谁先到学校.

(a) [I, Ipr, Ip, It] move very fast 急速移动:
race along (the road) (沿路)飞奔 *
The policeman raced after the thief. 警察追著那个贼. *
The days seemed to race by/past. 光阴似箭. *
We had to race to catch the train. 我们得快走, 好赶上火车. =>Usage at run1 用法见run1.
(b) [Tn,] cause (sb/sth) to move very fast 使(某人[某物])急速移动:
The patient had to be raced to hospital. 病人得火速送往医院.

3 [I, Tn] compete in (esp) horse-racing or cause (eg a horse, vehicle) to compete in races 赛(尤指赛马); 使(马、 车等)进行速度竞赛:
She races at all the big meetings. 她参加所有大规模的赛马比赛. *
race pigeons, dogs, etc 信鸽比赛、 赛狗 *
race saloon cars, bikes, etc in rallies 在公路赛车会上赛轿车、 自行车等 *
The filly has been raced twice this season. 这匹小牝马本季度曾两次参赛.

4 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) operate at high speed (使某物)高速 运转:
Don't race your engine, ie make it run fast when not in gear. 不要让发动机空转. *
The driver waited for the green light, his engine racing. 那司机等候绿灯放行, 让发动机空转著. race 3
[/reɪs; res/] n

1 [C, U] (a) any of several large subdivisions of mankind sharing physical characteristics, eg colour of skin, colour and type of hair, shape of eyes and nose 人种; 种族:
the Caucasian, Mongolian, Negro, etc race 高加索、 蒙古、 黑色等人种 *
people of mixed race 混血种的人.
(b) [C] any of the main species, breeds or varieties of animals or plants (动植物的)类, 属, 种, 族:
the human race, ie mankind 人类 *
breed a race of cattle that can survive drought 饲养能耐乾旱的一种牛.

2 [C] group of people with a common culture, history, language, descent, etc 民族:
the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Nordic, etc races 盎格鲁 撒克逊、 日耳曼、 北欧日耳曼等民族 *
The British are an island race. 英国人是以岛为家的民族.

3 [U] (fml 文) ancestry; descent 世系; 血统:
people of ancient and noble race 古老贵族的後裔.





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