[/ˈreɪdɪənt; ˋredɪənt/] adj 用法: 1 [attrib 作定语] sending out rays of light; shining brightly 光芒四射的; 光辉灿烂的: the radiant sun 光辉灿烂的太阳. 用法: 2 ~ (with sth) (of a person, his eyes, look, etc) bright with joy, hope or love (指人、 人的眼睛、 面容等)容光焕发的; 喜形於色的: a radiant face, smile 容光焕发的脸、 喜气洋洋的微笑 * radiant beauty 解颐美人 * She was radiant with joy at her wedding. 她在举行婚礼时喜气洋洋. * You look absolutely radiant! 你看上去真是满面春风! 用法: 3 (physics 物) [attrib 作定语] (a) transmitting heat or energy by radiation 发出辐射热或能的: a radiant heater 辐射加热器. (b) (of heat or energy) transmitted by radiation (指热或能)辐射的. |