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单词 raise 1
释义 [/reɪz; rez/] v

1 [Tn,, Tn.p] (a) lift or move (sth) to a higher level; cause to rise 举起, 升起, 提起, 抬起(某物):
raise one's hand 举手 *
He raised his eyes from his work. 他停下工作举目观看. *
raise a sunken ship (up) to the surface 把沉船打捞出水面 *
raise one's hat to sb, ie as a sign of respect 向某人举帽致敬.
(b) move (sth/sb) to an upright position 竖起, 立起, 扶起(某物[某人]):
raise a man from his knees 把跪著的男子搀起来 *
We raised the fence and fixed it in position. 我们把篱笆竖立起来并固定住.

2 [Tn,] ~ sth (to sth) increase the amount or volume or heighten the level of sth 增加某物之数量或容量; 提高某事物的水平:
raise salaries, prices, profits, etc 增加薪水、 提高价格、 加大利润 *
He raised his offer to 500. 他把出价提高到500英镑. *
raise one's voice, ie speak more loudly 提高嗓门 *
raise the temperature to 80 使温度升高到80 *
raise standards of service 提高服务水平 *
raise sb's hopes, ie make sb more hopeful 点燃某人的希望.3 [Tn] cause (sth) to arise or appear 引起, 激起(某事物); 使(某事物)产生或出现:
raise doubts, fears, suspicions, etc in people's minds 引起人们的怀疑、 恐惧、 猜疑等 *
The horses' hooves raised a cloud of dust. 马蹄扬起了一片尘土. *
raise the spirits of the dead 使死者显灵 *
The dirty joke raised a blush on her cheek. 这个下流笑话羞得她脸通红.

4 [Tn] (a) cause (sth) to be heard 使(某事)尽人皆知:
raise a commotion, fuss, protest, stink, etc 搞出骚乱、 纷扰、 抗议、 纠纷等 *
raise the alarm/alert 发出警报 *
The retort raised a cheer in support of the speaker. 发言人这一反驳博得了一片支持的欢呼声.
(b) bring (sth) up for discussion or attention; put forward 将(某事物)提出讨论或引起注意:
The book raises many important issues (for our consideration). 该书提出了许多重要问题(值得考虑). *
I'm glad you raised that point. 你能把那一点指出来, 我感到很高兴.

5 [Tn] bring or collect (sth) together; manage to obtain 召集或集结(某事物); 筹措:
raise an army 招募军队 *
raise a loan, a subscription, etc 借款、 募捐 *
raise funds for charity, eg by holding a bazaar 筹集慈善基金(如藉助於举行义卖活动) *
a fund-raising event 筹款活动.

6 [Tn] (a) (esp US) bring up (a child, etc) 养育(孩子等):
I was raised by my aunt on a farm. 我是在农场由姨妈抚养大的. *
It's difficult raising a family on a small income. 依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的.
(b) breed (farm animals); grow or produce (crops) 饲养(家畜); 种植或生产(作物). Cf 参看 rear2.

7 [Tn,] ~ sth (to sb/sth) build or erect (a monument, statue, etc) 建造或树立(纪念碑、 雕像等):
raise a memorial to those killed in war 立碑纪念战争中的死难者.

8 [Tn] end (a siege, etc) 解除(包围等):
raise a blockade, a ban, an embargo 解除封锁、 禁令、 禁运.

9 [Tn] (infml) get in contact with (sb); find (sth) 与(某人)接触; 与(某人)建立联系; 找到(某人):
I can't raise her on the phone. 我打电话找不到她. *
I've been trying to raise this spare part everywhere. 我一直在到处寻找, 想弄到这种备件.

10 [Tn] (in card-games, esp poker) bet more than (another player) (纸牌戏, 尤指扑克牌戏中)下赌注超过(对手):
I'll raise you! 我超过你(的赌注)!

11 (idm 习语) kick up/raise a dust => dust1. lift/raise a finger/hand => lift. raise `Cain/`hell/the `roof (infml) be very angry; cause an uproar 大怒; 大吵大闹:
He raised Cain when he found he had been cheated. 他发觉受骗而勃然大怒. raise one's `eyebrows (at sth) (esp passive 尤用於被动语态) show disdain or surprise 表示轻蔑或惊讶:
Eyebrows were raised/There were many raised eyebrows when he shaved all his hair off. 他把头发剃光了, 人人见了都大吃一惊. raise one's glass (to sb) drink a toast (to sb) 向(某人)祝酒. raise sb's hackles => hackles. raise/start a hare => hare. raise a `laugh/`smile amuse people enough to make them laugh/smile 逗得人大笑[发笑]. raise/lower one's sights => sight1. raise sb's `spirits make sb feel more cheerful or brave 使某人感到振奋或受到鼓舞; 鼓起某人的勇气:
My win at chess raised my spirits a little. 我赢了这盘国际象棋才打起了一点精神. raise the `temperature increase tension, hostility, etc 加剧紧张气氛、 敌对情绪等:
This insult raised the temperature of the discussion. 这种侮辱的言语使讨论的气氛顿时紧张起来. raise one's voice a`gainst sb/sth speak firmly and boldly against sb/sth 坚决而勇敢地发言反对某人[某事物]. raise 2
n (US) =rise1 3:
get a raise of 200 获得加薪 200 英镑.





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