[/ˈreɪndʒə(r); ˋrendʒɚ/] n 用法: 1 (a) (Brit) keeper of a royal park, estate, etc who enforces forest laws 皇家园林、 地产等的管理员. (b) (esp US) guard who patrols and protects a forest, etc 担任巡逻和警戒任务的护林员. 用法: 2 (US) member of a body of armed mounted men acting as police, eg in thinly populated areas 武装骑警(如驻守人口稀少地区的): the Texas Rangers 得克萨斯州骑警. 用法: 3 (US) commando 突击队员. 用法: 4 Ranger (Brit) senior Girl Guide 高年级的女童子军. |