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单词 reckon
释义 [/ˈrekən; ˋrɛkən/] v

1 [, Tf, Cn.a esp passive 尤用於被动语态, Cn.n esp passive 尤用於被动语态, Cn.n/a esp passive 尤用於被动语态, Cn.t esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sb/sth among sth; ~ sb/sth as sth (infml) (not used in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) be of the opinion or consider that sb/sth is as specified 认为某人[某事物]是...:
We reckon her among our best reporters. 我们认为她是我们最好的记者. *
I reckon (that) he is too old for the job. 我认为他年龄太大, 不适於做这工作. *
The price was reckoned high. 价钱未免太高了. *
She is reckoned (to be) the cleverest pupil in the class. 她是班上最聪明的学生. *
One quarter of the country is reckoned as unproductive. 全国四分之一的土地是不毛之地.

(a) [Tf no passive 不用於被动语态] (infml) assume; think 假定; 想; 思忖; 认为:
I reckon we'll go next week. 我想我们下星期去. *
The news won't worry her, I reckon. 我看这消息不会使她不安. *
What do you reckon our chances are of arriving on time? 你认为我们有没有可能按时到达?
(b) [Tf, Tt] calculate (time, price, age, etc) approximately; guess 约略地计算(时间、 价格、 年龄等); 猜想:
I reckon it will cost about 100. 我估计大约要100英镑. *
We reckon to arrive in Delhi at noon. 我们估计正午抵达德里.

3 [Tn] find out (the quantity, number, cost, etc) by using numbers; calculate 算出(数量、 数目、 费用等); 计算:
reckon the total volume of imports 计算进口商品的总量 *
Hire charges are reckoned from the date of delivery. 租金由货到之日起计算.

4 (phr v) reckon sth in include sth in a calculation 将某事物计算在内:
When you did your expenses, did you reckon in your taxi fares? 你计算费用时, 把计程车费算进去了吗? reckon on sb/sth base one's plans on sb doing sth or on sth happening; rely on sb/sth 指望或依赖某人[某事物]:
Can I reckon on you to help? 你能帮助我吗? *
We're reckoning on moving house in May. 我们指望著五月份搬家. *
You can't always reckon on (having) good weather. 总依赖(有)好天气是靠不住的. reckon sth up find the sum or total of sth; count sth up 计算; 结算:
reckon up bills, accounts, costs, etc 结算帐单、 帐目、 费用等. reckon with sb/sth take sb/sth into account; consider sb/sth as important考虑到或重视某人[某事物]:
They had many difficulties to reckon with. 他们有许多困难要考虑. *
a force, fact,person to be reckoned with, ie that cannot be ignored不可忽视的力量、 事实、 人物. reckon without sb/sth not take sb/sth into account; not consider sb/sth as important 未考虑到或未重视某人[某事物]:
We wanted a quiet holiday, but we had reckoned without the children. 我们原想安安静静地度假, 却没有把孩子考虑在内.





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