释义 |
[/rɪˈfreɪn; rɪˋfren/] n 用法: 1 lines of a song or poem which are repeated, esp at the end of each verse (歌曲或诗歌的)叠句; (尤指每节末的)反复部分, 副歌: Will you all join in singing the refrain, please? 请大家一道来唱副歌好吗? 用法: 2 tune accompanying this 副歌曲调: a haunting refrain 萦绕於心头的副歌曲调 * (fig 比喻) the familiar refrain of her husband's snoring 她丈夫的习惯的鼾声. refrain 2 [/rɪˈfreɪn; rɪˋfren/] v [I, Ipr] ~ (from sth) (fml 文) keep oneself from doing sth 克制; 抑制: refrain from comment, criticism, etc 避免评论、 批评等 * refrain from smoking 克制而不吸烟 * Let's hope they will refrain (from hostile action). 希望他们能克制(不采取敌对行动). |