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单词 regret 1
释义 [/rɪˈgret; rɪˋɡrɛt/] n

1 [U, C] feeling of sadness at the loss of sb/sth; feeling of annoyance, disappointment or repentance 痛惜; 懊悔; 遗憾; 失望; 悔恨:
express, feel regret at/about a missed opportunity 对错过良机表示、 感到懊悔 *
I heard of his death with profound/deep/great regret. 我听到他去世的消息感到万分悲痛. *
Much to my regret, I am unable to accept your invitation. 很抱歉, 我不能接受你的邀请. *
I have no regrets about leaving. 我对离去一事毫不後悔.

2 regrets [pl] (fml 文) (used in polite expressions of refusal, apology, etc 用以表示拒绝、 歉意等的客气说法):
give/send one's regrets, eg in answer to a wedding invitation 深表歉意(如谢绝婚礼邀请) *
Please accept my regrets at refusing/that I must refuse. 有拂雅意, 深以为憾. regret 2
[/rɪˈgret; rɪˋɡrɛt/] v (-tt-)

1 [Tn, Tf, Tw, Tt, Tg, Tsg] feel regret about (sth sad, annoying, disappointing, etc) 对(伤心、 恼人、 失望等事)感到惋惜、 懊悔、 遗憾:
If you go now, you'll regret it, ie You will wish you had stayed. 假若你现在就走, 一定得後悔. *
I regret that I cannot help. 很抱歉, 此事爱莫能助. *
It is to be regretted that... 遗憾的是... *
I regret what I said. 我很後悔不该说那话. *
I regret to say the job has been filled. 十分抱歉, 那个工作已经有人做了. *
We regret to inform you..., ie used in letters when giving bad news.兹奉告..., 甚以为憾. (用於以书信通知坏消息) *
I regret (his) ever having raised the matter. (他)竟然提出此事, 令人遗憾.

2 [Tn] feel sorrow about (the loss of sb/sth); wish to have (sb/sth) again 对(失去某人[某事物])感到悲伤或惋惜:
regret lost/missed opportunities 对失去[错过]机会感到惋惜 *
His death was regretted by all. 他去世了, 大家都很悲痛.





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