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单词 relative 1
释义 [/ˈrelətɪv; ˋrɛlətɪv/] adj

1 ~ (to sth) considered in relation or proportion to sb/sth else; comparative (与他人[他事物])相对的, 成比例的, 比较的:
the relative merits of the two plans, candidates, cars 两种方案、 两个候选人、 两辆汽车在相比之下显示出的长处 *
Supply is relative to demand. 供应要与需求保持一定比例. *
They are living in relative comfort, ie compared with other people or with themselves at an earlier time. 他们现在生活比较舒适(与他人或与过去相比而言). Cf 参看 absolute 4.

2 ~ to sth (fml 文) (following ns 用於名词之後) having a connection with sth; referring to sth 与某事物有关的; 关於或涉及某事物的:
the facts relative to the problem 与这问题有关的事实 *
the papers relative to the case 关於此案的文件.

3 [attrib 作定语] (grammar) referring to an earlier noun, clause or sentence 与前面的名词、 主句、 从句或句子相关联的:
a relative pronoun, clause, adverb 关系代词、 从句、 副词 *
The word `who' in `the man who came' is a relative pronoun. 在 the man who came 这一片语中 who 这个词是关系代词. relative 2
n person who is related to another; relation 亲戚; 亲属:
a close/near/distant relative of hers 她的近亲[较近的亲戚/远亲].





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