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单词 renounce
释义 [/rɪˈnauns; rɪˋnaʊns/] v (fml 文)

1 [Tn] (a) agree to give up ownership or possession of (sth), esp formally 同意放弃(某事物)的所有权或占有权(尤指正式地):
renounce a claim, title, right, privilege 宣布放弃要求、 头衔、 权利、 特权.
(b) give up (esp a habit) voluntarily; abandon 自愿放弃(尤指习惯); 抛弃:
renounce strong drink, cigarettes, dangerous driving 戒酒、 戒烟、 改掉危险驾驶的习惯 *
They've renounced their old criminal way of life. 他们已改变了过去那种罪恶的生活方式. *
I soon renounced all thought of getting home before dark. 我不久就完全打消了天黑以前赶到家里的想法.

2 [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (for sth) reject or stop following sb/sth; repudiate sb/sth 摈弃或背弃某人[某事物]; 拒绝承认:
renounce Satan and all his works 摈弃撒旦及一切罪恶 *
renounce terrorism, drugs, etc 唾弃恐怖主义、 毒品等 *
renounce a treaty, an agreement, etc废除条约、 协定等 *
renounce one's earlier ideals, principles, convictions, etc 背弃原先的理想、 原则、 信仰等 *
She renounced Islam for/in favour of Christianity. 她不再信伊斯兰教而改信基督教.

3 [Tn] refuse to associate with or acknowledge (esp sth/sb with a claim to one's care, affection, etc) 拒绝与(某事物[某人])发生联系; 与(某事物[某人])断绝关系:
renounce a friendship 绝交 *
He renounced his son (as an unworthy heir). 他与儿子断绝了父子关系(认为他不配作继承人).





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