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单词 repeat 1
释义 [/rɪˈpiːt; rɪˋpit/] v

1 (a) [Tn, Tf, Tw] say or write (sth) again once or more than once; reiterate 重复说或写(某事物); 反覆重申:
I repeat:
the runway is not clear for take-off. 我再说一遍:
跑道尚未畅通, 不能起飞. *
repeat a comment, promise, demand 重复一个评论、 承诺、 要求 *
Am I repeating myself? ie Did I say this before? 我以前说过这件事吗? *
She repeated what she had said. 她重复了自己说过的话.
(b) [Tn] do or make (sth) again once or more than once 重做或重复(某事物):
repeat an action, attempt, attack 重做一动作、 重复一尝试、 再次发动进攻 *
Such bargain offers can't be repeated. 这麽便宜的价钱不会再有了. *
She repeated the waltz as an encore, eg at a piano recital. 她应听众的要求把华尔兹舞曲又演奏了一遍(如在钢琴独奏会上).
(C) [I, Tn] ~ (itself) occur again once or more than once 重复发生; 反复出现:
a repeating decimal 循环小数 *
Does history/the past repeat itself? ie Do similar events or situations recur? 历史[过去的事件]还会重演吗? (类似的事情或情况还会发生吗?)

(a) [Tn, Tw] say aloud (sth heard or learnt by heart); recite 复述或背诵(某事物); 朗诵:
Repeat the oath after me. 跟著我宣誓. *
He repeated her statement word for word. 他一字不差地重复她的话.
(b) [Tn, Tw,, Dpr.w] ~ sth (to sb) tell sb else (sth one has heard or been told) 向某人转述(某事物):
His language won't bear repeating, eg because it's too obscene. 他的话别人实在说不出口(如因太下 流). *
Don't repeat what I said (to anyone) it's confidential. 别把我的话告诉别人--这是秘密.

3 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb) (of food) continue to be tasted from time to time after being eaten, esp as a result of belching (指食物)吃後仍留有余味(尤指因打嗝):
Do you find that onions repeat (on you)? 你感觉到吃洋葱後口中留有余味吗?

4 [Tn] (commerce 商) supply a further consignment of (sth) 再次供应(某物):
repeat an order, a deal 再次供应同样一批货、 一笔交易. repeat 2
n [C]

1 act of repeating; thing repeated 重复; 反复; 复述; 背诵:
a second, etc repeat of a broadcast, TV series, etc 广播节目、 电视系列节目等的第二次...重播 *
[attrib 作定语] a repeat performance, showing 重演、 重映 *
(commerce 商) a repeat order, ie for another consignment of the same goods (同样货物的)再次订购.

2 (music 音) mark indicating a passage that is to be repeated 反复记号.





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