[/rɪˈtriːv; rɪˋtriv/] v 用法: 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sb/sth) (esp fml 尤作庄重语) get possession of sth again 重新获得某物; 取回某物: retrieve one's suitcase from the left luggage office 从行李寄存处取回衣箱 * (joc 谑) I must retrieve my credit card from the waiter. 我得向服务员要回信用卡. 用法: 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] (esp computing 尤作计算机术语) find again or extract (stored information) 检索(储存的信息): retrieve data from a disk 检索储存在磁盘中的资料 * retrieve an address from the files 从文件中检索地址. 用法: 3 [Tn] (fml 文) set right (a loss, an error, etc) 挽回(损失); 纠正(错误等): He retrieved his losses by betting on a succession of winners. 他下的赌注连续获胜才挽回了损失. * We can only retrieve the situation by reducing our expenses. 我们只有缩减开支才能扭转这种状况. 用法: 4 [I, Tn] (of a trained dog) find and bring back (dead or wounded birds, etc) (指经过训练的狗)找到并衔回(被打死或打伤的鸟等). 用法: 5 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) (fml 文) restore sth to a flourishing state; revive sth 使某事物恢复旺盛状态; 复兴某事物: retrieve one's fortunes 恢复自己丰裕的生活. |