释义 |
[/ˏrevəˈluːʃn; ˏrɛvəˋluʃən/] n 用法: 1 [C, U] (instanceof the) overthrow of a system of government, esp by force 革命: He has lived through two revolutions. 他经历了两次革命. * the French Revolution, ie in 1789 法国大革命(1789年) * foment, stir up revolution 激起、 鼓动革命 * In politics, evolution is better than revolution. 从政治方面来说, 演变比革命好. 用法: 2 [C] ~ (in sth) (fig 比喻) complete or drastic change of method, conditions, etc (方法、 情况等的)彻底改变, 重大变革: a revolution in the treatment of cancer 在癌症治疗上的重大突破 * a genetic, technological, etc revolution 遗传学的、 技术上的飞跃 * Credit cards have brought about a revolution in people's spending habits. 信用卡的使用给人们的消费习惯带来巨大改变. 用法: 3 [C, U] ~ (on/round sth) (a) (act of) revolving or rotating, esp of one planet round another 旋转, 运行(尤指行星绕另一行星的): make, describe a full revolution 旋转、 转动一周 * the revolution of the earth on its axis round the sun 地球以太阳为轴的旋转. (b) (process of making a) single complete movement or turn round a central point (围绕中心点)旋转一周: a record designed to be played at 45 revolutions per minute 每分钟 45 转的唱片. |