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单词 RIP
释义 [/ˏɑːr aɪ ˈpiː; ˏɑr aɪ ˋpi/] abbr 缩写 = (on tombstones, etc) (may he, she, they) rest in peace (Latin requiescat/requiescant in pace) (墓碑等用语)(愿他、 她、 他们)安息(源自拉丁文 requiescat/requiescant in pace):
James Dent RIP 愿詹姆斯·登特安息.
rip 1
[/rɪp; rɪp/] v (-pp-)

1 (a) [Tn,] divide or make a hole in (sth) by pulling sharply 撕裂或拉破(某物):
I've ripped my trousers. 我把裤子撕破了. *
rip a piece of cloth (in two) 把一块布撕成两半.
(b) [Cn.a] ~ sth open open sth by pulling in this way 拉开或撕开某物:
rip open a letter 撕开一封信 *
My cat had its ear ripped open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了.
(C) [I] (of material) become torn (指材料)破, 裂:
Be careful with that dress; it rips easily. 小心那件连衣裙, 很容易破.2 (idm 习语) let `rip (about/against/at sb/sth) speak violently or passionately 激烈或激昂地说话:
let rip against the government 激烈地抨击政府. let sth `rip (infml) (a) allow (a car, machine, etc) to go at its top speed 让(汽车、 机器等)以最高速度行驶或运转:
Let her/it rip! 让车全速前进!
(b) allow (things) to develop naturally, without attempting to control them 让(事物)自由发展而不加控制:
They just let inflation rip. 他们对 通货膨胀完全不加控制.

3 (phr v) rip sb off (sl 俚) cheat sb, esp financially 欺骗某人(尤指钱财):
The shop tried to rip me off. 那商店想欺骗我. rip sth off (a) remove sth by pulling sharply 撕掉某物:
rip the cover off (a book) 撕掉(书的)封面.
(b) (sl 俚) steal sth 偷窃某物:
Somebody's ripped off my wallet. 有人把我的钱包偷走了. rip 2

1 uneven or ragged tear or cut (参差不齐的)裂口, 裂缝:
There's a big rip in my sleeve. 我的袖子破了一大块.

2 stretch of rough water in a river or the sea (河流或海洋的)激流, 激浪. Cf 参看 rip-tide.





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