[/raɪz; raɪz/] n 用法: 1 (a) upward movement or progress 上升; 升起; 进展; 振兴: His rise to power was very rapid. 他很快掌握了大权. * the rise and fall of the British Empire 大英帝国的兴衰. (b) increase in amount, number or intensity (金额、 数量或强度的)增加: a rise in the price of meat, the value of the dollar, the average temperature 肉类价格的上涨、 美元的升值、 平均温度的增高. 用法: 2 upward slope; small hill 斜坡; 小山; 岗; 丘: At the top of the rise they paused for a rest. 他们在小山的顶部停下来休息. * a church situated on a small rise 座落在小山上的教堂. 用法: 3 (Brit) (US raise) increase (in wages) (工资的)增加: demand a rise (in wages) from next October 要求从下个十月份起增加工资. 用法: 4 (idm 习语) get/take a rise out of sb cause sb to show annoyance or make an angry response by teasing, etc 戏弄某人使之厌烦或愤怒. give rise to sth (fml 文) cause sth 引起、 导致某事物: Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours. 她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语. rise 2 [/raɪz; raɪz/] v (pt rose [/rəuz; roz/], pp risen [/ˈrɪzn;ˋrɪzn/]) 用法: 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, In/pr] come or go upwards; reach a high or higher level, position, etc 上升; 达到较高的水平、 位置等: The cost of living continues to rise. 生活费用继续上涨. * The river has risen (by) several metres. 河水上涨了好几米. * smoke rising from the chimney 从烟囱里冒出的烟 * Her voice rose in anger. 她因愤怒而提高了嗓门. * new tower-blocks rising nearby 在附近新建起的高层建筑. 用法: 2 [I] (fml 文) get up from a lying, sitting or kneeling position; get out of bed (躺、 坐或跪後)起立, 起身; 起床: accustomed to rising early 习惯於早起 * He rose (in order) to welcome me. 他起身欢迎我. * unable to rise because of his injuries (他)因受伤而起不了床. 用法: 3 [I] (fml 文) (of the people taking part in a meeting or other assembly) disperse (指参加会议或其他集会的人)散开, 散去: The House (ie Members of the House of Commons) rose at 10 pm. 下议院已於晚上10点钟散会. * Parliament rises (ie ends its current session) on Thursday. 国会星期四休会. 用法: 4 [I] become upright or erect 竖立; 竖起: The hair on the back of my neck rose when I heard the scream. 我听到那尖叫声不禁毛骨悚然. 用法: 5 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (up) (against sb/sth) (fml 文) rebel 反叛; 造反; 起义: rise (up) in revolt 起来造反 * rise (up) against the foreign invaders 反抗外国侵略者.6 [I] (of the wind) begin to blow (more strongly) (指风)刮起来(更猛): The wind is rising -- I think there's a storm coming. 风越刮越猛--大概要来暴风雨了.7 [I] (of the sun, moon, etc) appear above the horizon (指太阳、 月亮等)从地平线上升起: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起, 至西方落下. Cf 参看 set2 19. 用法: 8 [I] increase in cheerfulness (情绪)增高: Her spirits (ie her mood, feelings, emotions) rose at the news. 她听到那消息异常兴奋. 用法: 9 [I, Ipr] reach a higher rank, status or position (in society, one's career, etc) (在社会上、 职业上等)升至较高的级别、 地位或职位: He rose from the ranks to become an officer. 他由士兵升为军官. * rise from nothing to become a great leader 由无名小卒一跃而为伟大领袖 * a rising young politician 平步青云的年轻政治家. 用法: 10 [I] (of dough, bread, etc) swell under the action of yeast, baking powder, etc (指生面团、 面包等)发酵胀起: My cake is a disaster -- it hasn't risen. 我的蛋糕做坏了--面没发起来. 用法: 11 [I, Ipr] (of a river) begin to flow; have its source (指河流)发源: The Thames rises in the Cotswold Hills. 泰晤士河发源於科茨沃尔德丘陵. 用法: 12 (idm 习语) early to bed and early to rise => early. make sb's gorge rise => gorge1. make one's hackles rise => hackles. ,rise and `shine (Brit catchphrase 警语) (usu imperative 通常用於祈使句) get out of bed and be active 快起床. `rise again/from the `dead come to life again after death 复活; 再生: Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. 基督徒相信耶稣在那个星期日(後定为复活节)里复活了. rise to the `bait succumb to a lure or temptation 上钩; 中圈套: As soon as I mentioned money he rose to the bait, and became really interested. 我一提钱他便怦然心动, 上了我的钩. rise to the oc`casion, `challenge, `task, etc prove oneself able to deal with an unexpected situation, problem, etc 有随机应变、 克服困难、 完成任务等的能 力. 用法: 13 (phr v) rise above sth (show oneself to) be superior to sth, capable of dealing with it, etc (表明自己)优於某事物、 有能力处理等: She rose above her difficulties and became a tremendous success. 她战胜了重重困难, 取得了巨大的成功. |