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单词 rival 1
释义 [/ˈraɪvl; ˋraɪvl/] n ~ (for/in sth) person or thing competing with another 竞争或相比的人或事物:
`business rivals 商业上的竞争对手 *
rivals in love 情敌 *
a new rival for the title of champion 争夺冠军的新对手 *
[attrib 作定语] a rival firm 竞争的商行 *
a violinist without rival, ie better than any other 无与伦比的小提琴家 *
She has no rival (ie no one is as good as she is) in the field of romantic fiction. 她写的浪漫小说谁也比不了. rival 2
v (-ll-; US also -l-) [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (for/in sth) seem or be as good as sb/sth; be comparable to sb/sth 堪与某人[某事物]竞争; 比得上某人[某事物]:
a view rivalling anything the Alps can offer 可以与阿尔卑斯山的任何景物相媲美的景色 *
Cricket cannot rival football for/in excitement. 板球不如足球有刺激性.




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