释义 |
[/rɔb; rɑb/] v (-bb-) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (of sth)1 take property from (a person or place) illegally 抢夺; 抢劫; 盗窃: I was robbed (of my cash and cheque-book). 我(的现金和支票簿)被抢了. * accused of robbing a bank (of one million pounds) 被控抢劫银行(一百万镑). =>Usage 见所附用法.用法: 2 deprive sb/sth (of what is expected or normal) 剥夺某人[某事物](想要的或应有的事物): Those cats robbed me of my sleep. 那些猫吵得我无法入睡. * (fig 比喻) The fact that he had lied before robbed his words of any credibility. 由於他过去说过谎话, 他的话已经没有人相信了. 用法: 3 (idm 习语) ,rob ,Peter to ,pay `Paul pay one debt, etc with money borrowed from somewhere else, thus creating another debt 借新债还旧债; 拆东墙补西墙. rob 2 NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Compare rob, steal and burgle. 试比较 rob、 steal、 burgle 这三个词. A robber or thief robs a place, eg a bank, or a person (of things, especially money) and he steals things (from a place or person). 劫匪或强盗rob的对象是`某处所(如银行)或某人'; 他们劫的`物(尤指钱)'要用`of +物'来表达. 他们steal的对象是`物'; 受损失的`处所或人'要用`from +处所或人'来表达. A burglar burgles a house by forcing a way into it and stealing from it. 窃贼burgle的对象是`房子', 指以破门、 撬锁等手段强行入户行窃. |