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单词 run 1
释义 [/rʌn; rʌn/] v (-nn-; pt ran [/rn; ræn/], pp run)

1 [I, Ipr, Ip] move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time 跑; 奔跑:
He cannot run because he has a weak heart. 他有心脏病, 不能跑. *
Can you run fast? 你跑得快吗? *
They turned and ran (ie in order to escape) when they saw he had a gun. 他们看见他有枪, 转身就跑. *
She ran/came running to meet us. 她跑著来接我们. *
I had to run to catch the bus. 我得赶快跑, 好赶上公共汽车. *
She ran out (of the house) to see what was happening. 她(从房子里)跑出去, 看看出了什麽事. *
The boys ran off as soon as we appeared. 我们一来, 孩子就都跑了. *
He ran home in tears to his mother. 他流著泪跑回家去找妈妈. =>Usage 见所附用法.

(a) [Tn] cover (the specified distance) by running 跑(一段距离):
Who was the first man to run a mile in under four minutes? 谁第一个在四分钟以内跑完了一英里?
(b) [I, Tn] (in cricket) score (a run or runs) by running between the wickets (板球)击球跑动得(分):
run a quick single 击球後快跑得到1分 *
The batsmen ran two. 击球员得了两分.

3 (a) [I] practise running as a sport 跑步锻炼; 跑步运动:
You're very unfit; you ought to take up running. 你身体很弱, 应该练练跑步. *
She used to run when she was at college. 她上大学时经常练跑步.
(b) [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (in sth) take part or compete in (a running race) (参加)赛跑:
Aouita will be running (in the 1500 metres) tonight. 奥依塔今晚参加(1500米)赛跑. *
run the mile 参加一英里赛跑 *
Cram ran a fine race to take the gold medal. 克拉姆在赛跑中成绩突出夺得金牌.
(C) [Tn] cause (a horse or dog) to take part in a race 使(马或狗)参加赛跑:
run two horses in the Derby 让两匹马参加德比马赛.
(d) [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] cause (a race) to take place 举行(赛跑):
The Grand National will be run in spite of the bad weather. 尽管天气不好, 一年一度的全国大马赛仍将举行.

4 [Ipr, Ip] go quickly or hurry to the specified place or in the specified direction 迅速地或急迫地前往某处:
run across to a neighbour's house to borrow some sugar 急忙到邻居家去借些糖 *
I've been running around (town) all morning looking for Christmas presents. 我(在城里)跑了一上午寻购圣诞节礼物.

5 [Ipr] move forward smoothly or easily, esp on wheels 平稳地或不很费力地向前移动(尤指用轮):
Trains run on rails. 火车在轨道上行驶. *
Sledges run well over frozen snow. 雪橇在冻硬了的雪上顺利滑行.

6 [Ipr, Ip] (of a ship or its crew) sail or steer in the specified direction (指船)行驶; (指船员)驾船航行:
We ran into port for supplies. 我们驶进港口装补给品. *
The ship ran aground. 船搁浅了.

7 (a) [I, Ipr] (of buses, ferries, trains, etc) travel to and fro on a particular route (指公共汽车、 渡船、 火车等)(沿规定路线)往来行驶:
Buses to Oxford run every half hour. 去牛津的公共汽车每半小时开一班. *
The trains don't run on Christmas Day. 圣诞节火车停驶. *
There are frequent trains running between London and Brighton. 伦敦与布莱顿之间火车班次很多.
(b) [Tn] cause (buses, trains, etc) to be in service 使(公共汽车、 火车等)运营:
London Transport run extra trains during the rush-hour. 伦敦运输公司在交通高峰时 间增开加班列车.

8 [Ipr,, Tn.p] drive (sb) to a place in a car 开车至某处; 开车送(某人):
It's a lovely sunny day; why don't we run down to the coast? 天气多好哇, 咱们何不开车到海边玩玩? *
Can I run you (ie give you a lift) to the station? 我开车送你去车站好吗?

9 (a) [Ipr] move, esp quickly, in the specified direction 向某方向移动(尤指快速):
The lorry ran down the hill out of control. 卡车失去控制直往山下冲去. *
The car ran off the road into a ditch. 汽车驶离道路跌进沟中. *
The ball ran (ie rolled) to the boundary. 球向著边线滚去. *
Her eyes ran critically over her friend's new dress. 她以挑剔的眼光打量朋友的新连衣裙. *
A shiver ran down her spine. 她浑身哆嗦了一下.
(b) [] cause (sth) to move in the specified direction 使(某物)向某方向移动:
She ran her fingers nervously through her hair. 她紧张地用手指拢著头发. *
She ran her fingers lightly over the keys of the piano. 她用手指轻轻地弹著钢琴. *
He ran his eyes over the page. 他把这一页看了一遍.

10 [Tn,] bring or take (sth) into a country illegally and secretly; smuggle 非法地秘密运送或携带(某物)进入某国; 走私:
He used to run guns across the border. 他过去经常偷运枪枝过境. *
run contraband goods/liquor into a country 走私违禁物品[偷运私酒]进入某国. =>Usage at smuggle 用法见smuggle.

11 [I] (of salmon) move up a river in large numbers from the sea (指鲑鱼)洄游:
The salmon are running. 鲑鱼正在洄游.

12 [Ipr] (of plants) grow or spread in the specified direction (指植物)蔓生:
Ivy ran over the walls of the cottage. 村舍的墙壁上爬满了常春藤.

13 [Ipr] extend in the specified direction 伸展; 延伸:
A fence runs round the whole field. 有一道篱笆围著这一整块地. *
The road runs parallel to the railway. 这条公路与铁路平行. *
He has a scar running across his left cheek. 他左脸上有一道很长的疤痕.

14 [Ipr] ~ (for...) continue for the specified period of time without stopping 持续; 延续:
The play ran (ie was performed regularly) for six months on Broadway. 这出戏在百老汇连续演了半年. *
Election campaigns in Britain run for three weeks. 英国选举活动持续三周.

15 [Ipr] operate or be valid for the specified period of time (在一定期限内)起作用, 有效:
The lease on my house has only a year to run. 我那房子的租期只有一年了.

16 [I] (of a story, an argument, etc) have the specified wording, content, etc (指叙述、 陈述等)有某样言词、 内容等:
The story runs that she poisoned her husband/She poisoned her husband, or so the story runs. 据报道说, 她把丈夫毒死了. *
`Ten shot dead by gunmen,' ran the newspaper headline. 报纸标题为`枪手击毙十人'.

17(a) [Ipr] (of a liquid) flow (指液体)流动:
The River Rhine runs into the North Sea. 莱茵河流入北海. *
The tears ran down her cheeks. 她的脸上淌著眼泪. *
Water was running all over the bathroom floor/The bathroom floor was running with water. 洗澡间水流了一地.
(b) [Tn,, Dn.n,] ~ sth (for sb) cause (a liquid) to flow 使(液体)流动:
She ran hot water into the bowl. 她用碗接点热水. *
run the hot tap 打开热水的水龙头 *
Could you run me a hot bath/run a hot bath for me? 你给我放一盆热的洗澡水好吗?
(C) [I] (of a tap, etc) send out a liquid (指水龙头等)流出液体:
Who left the tap running? 谁忘了关水龙头了? *
Your nose is running, ie Mucus is flowing from it. 你流鼻涕了. *
The smoke makes my eyes run. 烟熏得我直流眼泪. =>Usage at drip1 用法见drip1.
(d) [Ipr] ~ with sth (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) be covered with (a flowing liquid) 流满(液体):
The streets were running with blood after the massacre. 那场大屠杀後街上血流成河. *
His face was running with sweat. 他汗流满面.

18[I] (of dye or colour in a garment) dissolve and spread (指衣服上的染料或颜色)掉色, 扩散:
I'm afraid the colour ran when I washed your new skirt. 很遗憾, 你那条新裙子我洗的时候掉色了.

19[I] melt 融化:
It was so hot that the butter ran. 天气太热, 黄油都化了. *
The wax began to run. 蜡开始融化了.

20[La, I] (of the sea, the tide, a river, etc) rise higher or flow faster (指海水、 潮水、 河水等)上涨, 流动加快:
The tide was running strong. 潮水涨得很猛.

21[La] pass into or reach the specified state; become 进入或达到某种状态; 变成:
The water ran cold when I turned the tap on. 我把水龙头打开, 水就凉了?w. *
The river ran dry (ie stopped flowing) during the drought. 大旱期间这条河都乾了. *
Supplies are running short/low. 供应品短缺. *
I have run short of money. 我缺钱.

22[Tn] be in charge of (sth); manage 负责(某事物); 经营; 管理:
run a hotel, a shop, a language school 管理旅馆、 商店、 语言学校 *
He has no idea of how to run a successful business. 他不知道把企业办好的方法. *
Stop trying to run (ie organize) my life for me! 我的生活用不著你来管!

23[Tn] make (a service, course of study, etc) available to people; organize 开办(服务项目、 课程等); 举办:
The college runs summer courses for foreign learners of English. 这所学院为学习英语的外国人开设了暑期班.

24[I, Ipr, Tn,] (cause sth to) operate or function (使某物)运转, 起作用:
Your new car seems to run very nicely. 你的新汽车开起来还很不错. *
(fig 比喻) Her life has run smoothly up to now. 她的生活到目前仍一帆风顺. *
Could you run the engine for a moment? 你让发动机转一会儿好吗? *
I can run my electric razor off (ie with power from) the mains. 我的电动剃刀可以使用交流电.

25[Tn] own and use (esp a vehicle) 有并使用(尤指交通工具):
I can't afford to run a car on my salary. 凭我的薪水我是开不起汽车的. *
A bicycle is cheap to run. 使用自行车是很经济的.

26[I, Ipr] ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (in sth) (esp US) be a candidate in an election (for a political position); stand (for sth) 竞选(某一政治职位); 当(某职务的)候选人:
Reagan ran (for the Presidency) a second time in 1980. 里根於1980年再次竞选(总统). *
How many candidates are running in the Presidential election? 有多少候选人参加总统竞选?

27[Tn] present or nominate (sb) as a candidate in an election 提出(某人)参加竞选:
How many candidates is the Liberal Party running in the General Election? 自由党在这次大选中提出了多少个候选人?

28[Tn] (of a newspaper or magazine) print and publish (sth) as an item or a story (指报刊)刊登, 发表:
The `Guardian' is running a series of articles on Third World Economics. 《卫报》发表了论《第三世界的经济》的一系列文章.

29[I] (esp US) (of a woven or knitted garment) become unwoven or unravelled (指编织的或针织的服装)脱针, 脱线, 抽丝:
Nylon tights sometimes run, ie ladder. 尼龙裤袜有时候抽丝.

30[La, Ipr] (esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) (of an event, a train, etc) happen, arrive, etc at the specified time (指事情等)(在某时候)发生; (指火车等)(在某时刻)到达:
The trains are running an hour late. 火车晚点一个小时. *
Programmes are running a few minutes behind schedule this evening. 今晚的节目演出比预定的时间晚了几分钟.

31(idm 习语) come running be eager to do what sb wants 渴望做某人想做的事:
If you offer the children rewards for helping they'll all come running. 要是让孩子帮忙做事, 给他们点奖品, 他们就巴不得都来帮忙了. `run for it run in order to escape from sb/sth 逃跑:
Run for it he's got a gun! 快逃吧--他带著枪呢! (For other idioms containing run, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 查阅与run搭配的其他习语, 见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 run/take its course => course1; run riot => riot.) 32 (phr v) run across sb/sth meet sb or find sth by chance 偶然遇见某人或发现某事物:
I ran across my old friend Jean in Paris last week. 上周我在巴黎遇见了老朋友琼. run 2
Compare run, trot, jog, gallop, sprint and race. 试比较run、 trot、 jog、 gallop、 sprint、 race?W这几个词. When describing movement that is faster than walking, run is the most general verb. 描述比行走快的动作, 最常用的动词是run. People usually run in a race or when they are in a hurry 通常run用於赛跑或有急事的场合:
I was late for the train so I had to run. 我要赶不上火车了, 所以得跑著去. We generally jog for physical exercise, running steadily and not very fast. *jog一般用於健身运动, 跑得稳但不太快. Trot and gallop are mainly used of horses. *trot和gallop主要指马跑. When people trot, they run quite quickly with short steps 若以trot指人, 则意为小步快跑:
The girls spent the afternoon trotting up and down the beach. 姑娘们一下午都在海滩上轻快地跑来跑去. Informally, trot can mean simply to `go' 在口语中, trot可直接地表示go之意:
I'll just trot round to the shops for some bread. 我就到附近商店去买些面包. Gallop is to run fast *gallop指快跑:
He came galloping up the road. 他沿路飞快跑来. Race suggests a need to run very fast, not always in competition *race指有快速跑的必要, 但不一定总是指比赛:
She raced to the window to stop the child jumping out. 她一个箭步跑到窗前, 制止那孩子往外跳. Sprint is to run as fast as possible, usually over a short distance *sprint指尽力快跑, 通常距离较短:
You'll have to sprint if you want to catch the train. 你要想赶上火车, 就得快跑几步. run 3
[/rʌn; rʌn/] n

1 [C] act or period of running on foot 跑; 跑步; 奔跑; 奔跑的一段时间:
go for a run every morning 每天早晨跑步 *
Catching sight of her, he broke into a run. 他一看见她, 赶紧就跑.

2 instance or period of travelling by car, train, etc 乘汽车、 火车等的旅行; 乘车旅行期间:
take the car out for a run in the country 乘汽车去郊外一游 *
Oxford to London is about an hour's run by train. 从牛津到伦敦乘火车大约有一小时行程.

3 [C] route taken by vehicles, ships, etc 车、 船等行驶的路线:
The boat operates on the Dover-Calais run. 这艘船运行多佛--加莱航线.

4 [C] series of performances 持续的演出:
The play had a good run/a run of six months. 那出戏演了很久[演了半年]. *
It's just finished its West End run, ie in the West End of London. 在伦敦西区的长期演出刚刚结束.

5 [C] period or succession; spell 时期; 一段时间:
We've enjoyed an exceptional run of fine weather recently. 我们这里最近天气好极了. *
a run of bad luck, ie a series of misfortunes 一连串的不幸.

6 [C usu sing 通常作单数] ~ on sth sudden demand for sth by many people 许多人一时对某物的需求:
a run on sterling following its rise in value against the dollar 英镑对美元升值後引起的抢购英镑的热潮 *
a run on the bank, ie a sudden withdrawal of deposits by many customers 挤兑.

7 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) space for domestic animals, fowl, etc (家畜、 家禽等的)饲养场:
a `chicken-run 养鸡场 *
a `sheep-run, ie an area of pasture for sheep 牧羊场.

8 [C] point scored in cricket or baseball (板球或棒球中所得的)分.

9 [sing] the ~ of sth tendency or trend of sth 趋势; 趋向:
After 40 minutes Spurs scored, against the run of play, ie although they had been playing poorly. 斯珀尔斯队每况愈下, 40分钟後却得了分. *
The run of the cards favoured me, ie I was dealt good cards. 我得到的牌非常好. *
in accordance with the recent run of events, ie the way things have been going recently 按照最近的情况发展.

10 [C] (music 音) series of notes sung or played quickly up or down the scale 急唱; 急奏.

11 [C] track for some purpose 有某种用途的小道:
a `ski-run 滑雪道.

12 [C] = ladder 2.

13 [C] large number of fish in motion 游动的鱼群:
a run of salmon, eg on their way upstream 游动的鲑鱼群(如在溯江洄游途中).

14 the runs [pl] (sl 俚) diarrhoea 腹泻; 拉肚子.

15 (idm 习语) at a `run running 跑(著):
He started off at a run but soon tired and slowed to a walk. 他跑步出发, 但很快就累得慢下来成了步行. the common, general, ordinary, etc run (of sth) the average type or class 普通的类型或等级:
the common run of mankind, ie ordinary average people 普通人 *
a hotel out of the ordinary run, ie better than average 较好的旅馆. give sb/get/have the run of sth give sb/get/have permission to make full use of sth 允许某人[得到许可/获准]充分使用某物:
gave me the run of his library 允许我自由使用他的书房 *
He has the run of the house. 他获准使用那所房子. in the long run => long1. make a bolt/dash/run for it/sth => bolt2. on the `run (a) fleeing from pursuit or capture 奔逃; 逃跑:
He's on the run from the police. 他正在逃避警方的追缉. *
have/keep the enemy on the run 逼得敌人奔窜.
(b) continuously active and moving about 忙碌; 奔波:
I've been on the run all day and I'm exhausted. 我整天忙个不停, 疲於奔命. *
on the run from one office to another 从一个公司的部门到另一个公司的部门. a (good, etc) run for one's `money (a) challenging competition or opposition 较量; 竞争; 对抗:
They may win the game, but we'll give them a good run for their money. 他们即使能赢得这场比赛, 我们也不会让他们轻易取胜.
(b) reward, interest, enjoyment, etc, esp in return for effort 报偿、 利益、 满足等(尤指付出努力後所获得者):
I feel I've had an excellent run for my money (ie a rewarding career) and now I'm happy to retire. 我对我一生的事业十分满意, 现在退休甚为欣慰.





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