adj [attrib 作定语] 用法: 1 who has run away 逃跑的; 逃避的; 私奔的: a runaway child 离家出走的孩子. 用法: 2 (of an animal or a vehicle) no longer under the control of its rider or driver (指动物或车辆)失去控制的: a runaway horse, lorry, train 脱缰的马、 失去控制的卡车、 煞不住闸的火车. 用法: 3 happening very rapidly or easily 来得快的; 来得容易的: the runaway success of her last play 她最近那出戏的一炮而红 * a runaway victory, win, etc 轻而易举的胜利、 成功等. n person who has run away; fugitive 逃跑者; 逃亡者. |