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单词 sale
释义 [/seɪl; sel/] n

1 [U] selling or being sold 卖; 出售; 销售:
the sale of cars, clothes, machinery 汽车、 服装、 机器的销售 *
The money was raised by the sale of raffle tickets. 这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集的.

(a) [C] act of selling sth 卖; 出售; 销售:
I haven't made a sale all week. 我整个星期没有卖出东西. *
She gets 10 commission on each sale. 她每出售一批货可得10英镑的佣金.
(b) sales [pl] amount sold 销售额; 销售量:
vast sales of ice-cream in the hot weather 天热时冰激凌的巨大销量 *
Sales are up (ie More goods have been sold) this month. 本月销售量增加.

3 [C] (in a shop, etc) occasion when goods are sold at lower prices than usual (商店等的)廉售, 贱卖:
hold an end-of-season sale 举办季末大减价 *
the January sales, ie when many shops reduce their prices 元月大减价 *
buy goods at/in the sales 减价期间购物 *
[attrib 作定语] sale prices, goods, etc 廉价、 廉价货.

4 [U, sing] desire to buy goods; demand 销路; 市场需求:
There's always a ready sale for high-quality furniture. 高档家具总是很畅销. *
They found no sale for their goods, ie could not sell them. 他们的商品没有销路.

5 [C] auction 拍卖.

6 (idm 习语) for sale intended to be sold (usu by or on behalf of the owners) 待售(通常由物主或代理人经手):
I'm sorry this painting's not for sale. 很抱歉, 这幅画是非卖品. *
She has put her house up for sale. 她的房子现在出售. on sale (a) (esp of goods in shops, etc) available to be bought (尤指商店等的货物)出售, 上市:
on sale at your local post office 在你们当地邮局出售 *
The new model is not on sale in the shops. 这种新款式商店尚未上市.
(b) (US) being offered at a reduced price 廉价出售. (on) ,sale or re`turn (of goods) supplied to a retailer, who can send back without paying for them any items that he does not sell (指货物)批发给零售商, 卖不掉可 退还批发商.





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