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单词 same 1
释义 [/seɪm; sem/] adj

1 the ~ sb/sth (as sb/sth/that...) (also sometimes preceded by this/that/these/those 有时亦可用於this/that/these/those之後) exactly the one (or ones) referred to or mentioned; not different; identical 就是前面提到的那(些)个; 同一的:
They both said the same thing. 他们俩说的一样. *
We have lived in the same house for twenty years. 我们二十年来一直住在这所房子里. *
He took it off the top shelf and put it back in the same place. 他把它从架子顶层上取下来, 然後又放回到原处. *
He is the same age as his wife. 他和他妻子同岁. *
The cinema is showing the same film as last week. 电影院演的还是上星期的那部影片. *
I saw the mistake at the (very) same moment that she did. 我与她(恰恰)同时发现了这一错误. *
I resigned on Friday and left that same day. 我星期五辞职後当天就离开了.

2 the ~ sb/sth (as sb/sth/that...) one that is exactly like the one referred to or mentioned; exactly matching 与前面提到的一模一样的; 相同的:
I saw the same shoes in a shop last week. 我上星期在一家商店看到了同一式样的鞋. *
Men with moustaches all look the same to me. 在我看来, 凡是留须的人模样都很像. *
I bought the same car as yours/that you did, ie another car of that type. 我买的汽车和你买的一样. *
The two recipes are very much the same, ie only slightly different. 这两份食谱几乎一个样. *
(derog or joc 贬或谑) You men are all the same! eg have the same faults, obsessions, etc. 你们男人都是一路货!

3 (idm 习语) amount to/come to/be the same `thing not be different; have the same result, meaning, etc 无不同; 结果、 意义等相同:
You can pay by cash or cheque:
it comes to the same thing. 你可付现金或支票, 都一样. at the same `time (a) at once; together 同时; 一起:
Don't all speak at the same time. 大家别同时说. *
She was laughing and crying at the same time. 她一面笑一面哭.
(b) (introducing a fact, etc that must be considered 提出须予考虑的事实等) nevertheless; yet 但是; 然而:
You've got to be firm, but at the same time you must be sympathetic. 你态度要强硬, 但还必须有同情心. be in the same boat be in the same (usu unfortunate) circumstances 处於同样(通常指不幸的)境地:
She and I are in the same boat:
we both failed the exam. 我和她一样, 考试都没及格. be of the same `mind (about sb/sth) (fml 文) having the same opinion 意见一致:
We're all of the same mind:
opposed to the proposal. 我们想法一样, 都反对这项提议. by the same `token in a corresponding way; following from the same argument 相应地; 基於同一理由:
She must be more reasonable, but by the same token you must try to understand her. 她得讲点理, 可你也得尽量体谅她. in the same breath immediately after saying sth else (说完某些话後)紧接著:
He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave. 他称赞我工作好, 刚说完这话就让我离职. lightning never strikes in the same place twice => lightning1. not in the same street (as sb/sth) of a much lower standard (than sb/sth) 远不如(某人[某事物]). one and the same the same person or thing 同一人或事物:
It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same (person). 原来她姑姑就是我表姐. on the same wavelength (as sb) sharing the same way of thinking and the same interests, etc (as sb) and therefore able to understand him (与某人)志趣相同:
I find him difficult to talk to we're on completely different wavelengths. 我觉得很难和他谈得来--我们完全没有共通之处. pay sb in his own/the same coin => pay2. the ,same old `story what usually happens 常常发生的事:
It's the same old story:
everybody wants the house tidy, but nobody wants to tidy it himself. 还是老生常谈的事:
谁都想让房子整洁, 可谁也不愿意亲自整理. speak the same language => speak. tarred with the same brush => tar1. same 2
[/seɪm; sem/] pron

1 (a) the ~ (as sb/sth...) the same thing 同一事物:
He and I said the same. 我和他说的是同一件事. *
Their ages are the same. 他们年龄相同. *
I think the same (as you do) about the matter. 我对此事的看法也是(和你)一样. *
I would do the same again. 那我就再来一遍. *
(infml) `I'll have a coffee.' `Same for me, please (ie I will have one too).' `我要一杯咖啡.'`我也要一杯.'
(b) the ~ (fml or joc 文或谑) the same person 同一人:
`Was it George who telephoned?'`The same.' ie Yes, it was George. `是乔治打的电话吗?'`是他.'

2 (without the; used in bills, etc 用於招贴等, 不与the连用) (fml or joc 文或谑) the previously mentioned thing 前面提到的事物:
To dry-cleaning suit, 3; to repairing same, 2. 乾洗一套衣服, 3英镑; 修补一套衣服, 2英镑.

3 (idm 习语) ,all/,just the `same in spite of this; nevertheless 尽管如此; 仍然:
All the same, there's some truth in what she says. 即便这样, 她的话也还是有些道理. *
He's not very reliable, but I like him just the same. 他是不太可靠, 但我仍很喜欢他. *
I wasn't able to use your screwdriver, but thanks all the same, ie for lending it. 我没用上您的改锥, 还是要谢谢您. (the) same again (request to sb to serve the same drink as before 再要刚刚喝的同一种饮料):
Same again, please! 请再来一杯! ,same `here (infml) the same thing applies to me; I agree 我也一样; 我同意:
`I hate this book.' `Same here.' `我不喜欢这本书.'`我也不喜欢.' *
`I'm not very good at history.' `Same here.' `我历史学得不太好.'`我也是.' (the) ,same to `you (used as an answer to an insult, a greeting, etc 用以反唇相讥、 回敬问候等):
`Stupid!' `Same to you!' `愚蠢!'`你愚蠢!' *
`Happy Christmas!' `And the same to you!' `圣诞快乐!'`圣诞快乐!'





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