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单词 savour (US savor)
释义 [/ˈseɪvə(r); ˋsevɚ/] n [C, U] (pleasant) taste or flavour (美)味; 味道; 滋味; 风味:
soup with a slight savour of garlic 略带蒜味的汤 *
meat that has lost its savour 已失去原有香味的肉 *
(fig 比喻) His political views have a savour of fanaticism. 他的政治观点有些偏激. *
Life seems to have lost some of its savour, ie its enjoyable quality. 生活中似乎已失去了一些值得享受的乐趣. > savour v

1 [Tn] enjoy the taste or flavour of (sth), esp by eating or drinking it slowly 欣赏(某物)的味道或风味(尤指慢慢地品嗜):
savour the finest French dishes 品嗜最好的法国菜 *
(fig 比喻) Now the exams are over, I'm savouring my freedom. 因为考试结束了, 我现在自由自在了.

2 (phr v) savour of sth (no passive 不用於被动语态) have a suggestion or trace of sth (esp sth bad) 有某种迹象或痕迹(尤指坏事):
Her remarks savour of hypocrisy. 她说的话听起来有点儿虚伪.





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