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单词 security
释义 [/sɪˈkjuərətɪ; sɪˋkjʊrətɪ/] n

1 [U] freedom or protection from danger or worry 安全; 保护; 保障:
children who lack the security of a good home 缺乏良好家庭照顾的儿童 *
have the security of a guaranteed pension 有保证可获养老金的保障.

2 [U] measures taken to prevent spying, attacks, theft, etc (防刺探、 攻击、 偷盗等的)安全措施:
There was tight security for the Pope's visit, eg Many police officers guarded him. 为教皇到访采取了严密的保安措施. *
We need greater security in car parks. 我们需要加强停车场的安全措施. *
national security, ie the defence of a country 国家的防卫 *
[attrib 作定语] security forces, eg police, troops, etc fighting terrorism 保安部队 *
a security van, eg for transporting money 保安车(如解送金钱的) *
a high security prison, ie for dangerous criminals 戒备森严的监狱.

3 [C, U] jewellery, insurance policies, etc that can be used to guarantee that one will pay back borrowed money or keep a promise 抵押品:
lend money on security, ie in return for sth given as security 收取抵押品贷出款项 *
give sth as (a) security 以某物作抵押. Cf 参看 guarantee1 1.

4 securities [pl] documents or certificates showing who owns stock, bonds, shares, etc 证券:
government securities, ie for money lent to a government 政府证券.





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