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单词 sell 1
释义 [/sel; sɛl/] v (pt, pp sold [/səuld; sold/])

1 [I, Ipr, Tn,, Dn.n,] ~ (sth) (to sb) (at/for sth) give (goods, etc) to sb who becomes their owner after paying one money 卖; 售; 销:
Can she be persuaded to sell (the house)? 能劝得她把房子卖了吗? *
I won't sell to a stranger. 我不卖给生人. *
sell (sth) at a high price, a loss, a discount 高价、 赔钱、 减价出售(某物) *
sell (one's bike) for £80 以80英镑的价钱转让(自己的自行车) *
sell sth by auction 拍卖某物 *
sell sb into slavery, ie as a slave 把某人卖作奴隶 *
I sold my car (to a friend) for £750. 我把汽车以750英镑卖(给朋友)了. *
Will you sell me your camera? 你把照相机卖给我行吗?

2 [Tn] (a) have a stock of (sth) for sale; be a dealer in (sth) 备有(某物)出售; 经销(某物):
a shop that sells fruit, clothes, electrical goods 出售水果、 服装、 电器的商店 *
Do you sell stamps? 你们这儿卖邮票吗?
(b) (of a salesperson) persuade people to buy (sth) (指推销员)推销(某物):
I sell insurance. 我是保险业推销员.

3 [Tn] make people want to buy (sth); cause (sth) to be sold 使人买(某物); 将(某物)卖出:
It is not price but quality that sells our shoes. 我们的鞋好卖不是因为价钱低而是因为质量好. *
Her name will help to sell the film. 有她的名字, 这部影片就卖座. =>Usage 见所附用法.

4 [I, Ipr, In/pr] ~ (at/for sth) be sold; find buyers 被出售; 有销路; 有人买:
Will such a long novel sell? 这麽长的小说有人买吗? *
The car is selling well. 这种汽车卖得很好. *
Umbrellas sell best in winter. 雨伞在冬季最好卖. *
The badges sell at 50p each. 这种纪念章50便士一个. *
The group's record has sold millions. 他们的唱片已经售出了千千万万张了.

5 (infml) (a) [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth/sb (to sb) make sb believe that sth/sb is good, useful, worth having, etc 使某人相信某事物[某人]好、 有用、 可取等:
You'll never sell changes like that to the work-force. 那样的改革, 工人决不买你的帐. *
a big poster campaign selling the new party 对这一新党派的大海报宣传活动 *
You have to sell yourself (ie show that you are the most suitable applicant) at a job interview. 在接受求职面试时, 要毛遂自荐.
(b) [Dn.n,] ~ sth to sb make sb believe that sth is true 使某人相信某事属实:
sell sb an excuse, story, etc 使某人对一藉口、 一套说法等信以为真 *
He tried to sell me a line about losing his wallet. 他一个劲儿地想让我相信他真把钱包丢了.

6 [Tn,] ~ oneself (to sb) accept a bribe, reward, etc (from sb) for doing sth bad (从某人处)接受贿赂、 报酬等而做坏事:
Are artists who work in advertising selling themselves? 艺术家做广告是不是作践自己? *
The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders. 那些警察已卖身投靠匪首.

7 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (dated infml 旧, 口) cheat (sb) 欺骗(某人):
You've been sold again. That car you bought is a wreck. 你又上当了. 你买的那辆汽车是个废物.

8 (idm 习语) be sold on sth/sb (infml) be enthusiastic about sth/sb 看中某事物[某人]:
I like the house but I'm not sold on the area. 我喜欢这所房子, 但相不中这个地区. be sold `out (of sth) have sold all the stock, tickets, etc 卖光存货、 票等:
The match was completely sold out. 比赛的票已售清. *
We're sold out of Sunday papers, sir. 先生, 星期日的报纸我们全卖光了. sell one's `body (rhet 修辞) work as a prostitute 卖身(卖淫). sell sb down the `river (infml) betray sb, usu for one's own advantage 出卖某人(尤指为个人利益). sell one's life `dearly (fml 文) kill or wound a number of one's enemies before being killed 杀伤若干敌人後死去. sell like hot cakes => hot. sell the pass betray one's cause or one's allies 背叛自己的事业或盟友. sell sb a `pup (infml) sell sb sth that is worthless, or worth less than the price paid 卖给某人不值钱的或不值那麽多钱的东西:
You've been sold a pup -- that house is nearly falling down! 你上当了--那所房子都要塌了! sell sth/sb `short (a) (commerce 商) sell (shares, etc) that one does not yet own in the hope of being able to buy them soon at a lower price 以买空卖空方式卖(股票等).
(b) not recognize the true value of sth/sb/oneself 认识不到某事物[某人/自己]的真实价值:
Don't sell her short:
she's very gifted in some areas. 别小看她, 她有些方面很有天赋.
(C) cheat sb in value or quantity 在质或量方面欺骗某人. sell one's `soul (to the devil) do sth dishonourable or unworthy in return for money, fame, etc (为名利等)出卖灵魂, 做不名誉的或不合身分的事:
She'd sell her soul to get the job. 她为了得到那份工作可以出卖灵魂.

9 (phr v) sell sth off sell (esp items which are unwanted or have not sold well) often at very low prices 甩卖(尤指要处理的或滞销的货物):
sell off old stock 甩卖旧存货. sell out be all sold 售完:
The show has sold out, ie There are no tickets left. 演出的票已售清. sell out (of sth) sell one's whole supply of sth 售完某物的全部现货:
We've sold out (of milk) but we'll be getting some more in later. 我们(的牛奶)都卖光了, 但还要陆续进货. sell out (to sb) betray one's principles 背弃自己的宗旨:
She's sold out and left the party. 她背弃了原有信仰而脱党了. sell (sth) out (to sb) sell all or part of (one's share in a business) 出卖全部或部分(股份):
She had decided to sell out (her share of the company) and retire. 她已决定卖掉她的公司股份然後退休. sell sb out betray sb 背叛某人:
They've sold us out by agreeing to work during the strike. 他们背叛了我们, 竟同意罢工期间仍上班. sell (sth) up sell (all one's property, one's home, etc) eg when leaving the country or retiring 卖掉(全部家产等)(如於出国或退休时). sell 2
n [sing]

1 (infml) deception; disappointment 欺骗; 失望:
It's a real sell:
the food seems cheap but you pay extra for vegetables. 真骗人, 饭食好像很便宜, 可是吃菜还得另付钱呢.

2 (idm 习语) the hard/soft `sell aggressive/persuasive way of selling sth 硬[软]推销术(以死缠[劝诱]方式推销):
They're certainly giving the book the hard sell, with advertisements every night on TV. 他们用硬推销术宣传这本书, 每天晚上都在电视上卖广告. sell 3
Compare sell, vend, peddle, push and flog. 试比较sell、 vend、 peddle、 push、 flog这几个词.

1 Sell is the most general verb, meaning `give in exchange for money' *sell使用最广, 意为`拿东西换钱':
They are selling their house and moving to the country. 他们打算把房子卖掉, 搬到乡下去. *
Do you sell magazines here? 你们这儿卖杂志吗?2 Vend is formal and indicates the selling of small articles. *vend较文, 指出售小件商品. The noun vendor is much more common than the verb 由这个动词派生出的名词vendor, 比其动词本身较为常用:
a street vendor, a news-vendor 街上的摊贩、 报贩. It is also a legal term used especially in the selling of a house *vendor还是个法律术语, 用以指房产的卖方:
The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser. 卖方须与买方签订契约. Vending-machine is also common and is a coin-operated slot machine for the sale of small items. *vending-machine也较常用, 是一种投币式出售小商品的自动售货机.

3 Peddle indicates the selling of small, inexpensive goods by going from house to house *peddle指挨门挨户地推销廉价的小商品:
He peddled small household articles around the town. 他在城里挨家挨户兜售日用百货.

4 Push is informal and is used for the selling of illegal drugs *push是口语用词, 指出售违禁毒品:
He was caught pushing heroin to schoolchildren. 他在向小学生贩卖海洛因时被捕.

5 Flog is slang. *flog是俚语用词. It often suggests that what is to be sold is of little value, possibly stolen and therefore difficult to sell 这个词常指出售的东西无甚价值, 或可为赃物, 故难以售出:
He tried to flog me a broken TV set. 他一个劲儿向我兜售一个破电视机.





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