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单词 set 1
释义 [/set; sɛt/] n

1 [C] ~ (of sth) group of similar things that belong together in some way (类似物品的)一组, 一套, 一副, 一对:
a set of cutlery, golf clubs, hand tools 一套刀叉匙餐具、 高尔夫球杆、 手用工具 *
a set of six dining chairs 六把一套的餐椅 *
a set of Dickens novels 一套狄更斯的小说 *
a set of false teeth 一副假牙 *
a tea set, ie teapot, cups, saucers, etc 一套茶具 *
a new set of rules to learn 要学的一套新规则.

2 [CGp] group of people who spend much time together socially or have similar tastes and interests 经常来往、 意气相投的一些人:
the literary, racing, golfing set 爱好文学、 赛马、 高尔夫球的一伙人 *
the smart set, ie rich fashionable people 追求时髦的一批阔人 *
the fast set, eg people who gamble, spend a lot of money, etc 放荡不 的一群人(如赌博、 挥霍等的).

3 [C] group of pupils with similar ability in a particular subject 在某学科上能力相当的一批学生:
She's in the top set in maths. 她在数学成绩最好的班上.

4 [C] (mathematics 数) group of things having a shared quality 集; 集合.

5 [C] device for receiving radio or television signals 收音机; 电视机:
a transistor set 晶体管收音机 *
Do not adjust your (TV) set. 请勿自行调整电视机.

6 [sing] ~ (of sth) way in which sth is placed or arranged; position or angle (某物摆放的)样子; 位置; 角度:
She admired the firm set of his shoulders. 她喜欢他的肩膀很结实.

7 [sing] way in which sth sets (set2 13) 凝结、 凝固或固定的样子:
You won't get a good set if you put too much water in the jelly. 果冻搀水太多就凝固不好了.

8 [C] (in a tennis match) group of games in which one side must win the greater number of games in order to win that part of the match (网球赛中的)盘.

9 (also sett) [C] rectangular paving stone (铺路用的)长方形石板.

10 (also sett) [C] badger's burrow 獾洞.

11 [C] (a) scenery being used for a play, film, etc (戏剧、 电影等的)布景, 场景:
We need volunteers to help build and paint the set. 我们需要有人自愿帮忙把布景搭起、 画好.
(b) stage or place where a play or (part of) a film is performed 表演戏剧或拍摄电影(片断)的舞台或场地:
The cast must all be on (the) set by 7 pm. 所有演员必须在下午7时到达拍摄场地.

12 [C] young plant, shoot, etc for planting 幼苗; 树苗:
onion sets 洋葱苗.

13 [C] act of setting (set2 15) hair 固定发型; 做头发:
A shampoo and set costs 8. 洗头、 做头发共8英镑.

14 (idm 习语) the jet set => jet1. set 2
[/set; sɛt/] v (-tt-, pt, pp set) set 3

1 [, Tn.p] put (sth) in the specified place or position; place 将(某物)放在某处或某位置; 置; 摆放:
She set a tray down on the table. 她把托盘放在桌子上了. *
He set a post in the ground. 他在地上树起了一根杆子. *
(fml 文) We set food and drink before the travellers. 我们把食物和饮料摆在旅客面前. *
The house is set (ie situated) in fifty acres of rolling parkland. 那所房子周围有五十英亩的起伏不平的草地. *
Her eyes are set very close together. 她的两只眼睛长得距离很近.

2 [] ~ sth to sth move or place sth so that it is near to or touching sth 将某物移至或放置在接近或接触到另一物处:
She set the glass to her lips/her lips to the glass. 她把玻璃杯送到嘴边[用嘴唇触及玻璃杯]. *
He set a match to the dry timber, ie in order to burn it. 他用火柴去点燃那乾木头. *
set pen to paper, ie begin to write 动笔.

3 [Tn,] represent the action of (a play, novel, etc) as happening in a specified place or at a specified time 设置(戏剧、 小说等)的背景:
The novel is set in pre-war London. 这部小说以战前的伦敦为背景. CAUSING TO BE IN A PARTICULAR STATE OR TO HAPPEN 使处於某状态或使发生

4 [, Cn.a] cause (sb/sth) to be in or reach the specified state 使(某人[某事物])处於或达到某状态:
The revolution set the country on the road to democracy. 这场革命把国家引上了通往民主的道路. *
The firm's accounts need to be set in order. 公司的帐目需要清理. *
She untied the rope and set the boat adrift. 她把绳索解开, 放开小船. *
The hijackers set the hostages free, ie released them. 劫机者释放了人质.

5 (a) [Cn.g] cause (sb/sth) to begin to do sth 使(某人[某事物])开始做某事:
set a pendulum swinging 让摆摆动起来 *
The sudden noise set the dog barking. 这突然的声响惊得狗汪汪叫起来. *
The sight of her set his heart beating faster. 他一见到她, 不由得心就怦怦直跳. *
Her remarks set me thinking. 我听了她的话不禁沉思起来.
(b) [Cn.t] cause (oneself/sb) to do the specified task 使(自己[某人])做某事:
We set them to chop wood/set them to work chopping wood in the garden. 我们让他们在花园里劈木柴. *
I've set myself (ie resolved) to finish the job by the end of the month. 我决心月底以前把这件工作干完. ADJUSTING OR ARRANGING 调整或安排

6 [Tn,] adjust (sth) so that it is ready for use or in position 调整好(某事物)(使之随时可用或置於某位置):
set the controls, eg of a machine 调整好控制装置(如机器的) *
She set the camera on automatic. 她把照相机调到自动位置.

7 Tn] (a) adjust the hands of (a clock or watch) to show the right time 拨动(钟或表)的指针至准确时间:
I always set my watch by the time-signal on the radio. 我一向按照收音机的报时信号对表.
(b) adjust (an alarm-clock) so that it sounds at a particular time 调好(闹钟)(使之按时响闹):
She set her alarm for 7 o'clock. 她把闹钟调到7点钟.

8 [Tn] arrange knives, forks, etc on (a table) for a meal; lay1(1b) 在(桌子)上摆好刀叉等餐具准备开饭; 铺桌子:
Could you set the table for supper? 你铺好桌子准备吃晚饭好吗? *
The table is set for six guests. 桌子上摆好了六位客人的餐具.

9 [ esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ A in B/~ B with A fix (sth, esp a precious stone) firmly into (a surface or an object) 将(某物, 尤指宝石)镶嵌到(某物)上:
She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了. *
Her bracelet was set with emeralds. 她的手镯上镶著绿宝石.

10 [Tn,] arrange or fix (sth); decide on (sth) 安排、 确定或决定(某事物):
They haven't set a date for their wedding yet. 他们的婚期还没定下来. *
The government plans to set strict limits on public spending this year. 政府计画严格限制今年公费开支. CREATING 创造

11 [Tn] (used esp with the ns shown 尤与所示名词连用) establish (sth) 建立(某事物):
Imposing a lenient sentence for such a serious crime sets a dangerous precedent. 对这样严重的罪行轻判就开了个危险的先例. *
She set a new world record for the high jump. 她创下跳高的新世界纪录. *
Rock stars often set fashions in clothes. 摇滚乐歌星往往创出时装的潮流. *
I rely on you to set a good example. 我全靠你来树立个好榜样.

12 [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (for oneself/sb) present or impose (a task, piece of work, problem, etc) to be done, dealt with, etc (by oneself/sb) (给自己[某人])提出或规定(任务、 工作、 问题等)来处理、 解决等:
Who will be setting (ie writing the questions in) the French exam? 谁负责出法语试题? *
What books have been set (ie are to be studied) for the Cambridge First Certificate next year? 剑桥大学主办的明年的中学会考要读哪些书? *
She's set herself a difficult task/set a difficult task for herself. 她给自己提出一个艰巨的任务. *
The sudden drop in share prices has set the government a tricky problem. 股票价格突然下跌给政府出了一个难题. *
We must set ourselves precise sales targets for the coming year. 我们要为明年定出准确的销售指标. MAKING OR BECOMING FIRM OR FIXED (使)凝固或固定

13 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become firm, hard or rigid from a soft or liquid state (使某物)由软变硬或由液态变成固态:
Some kinds of concrete set more quickly than others. 有些种类的混凝土凝结硬化快, 有的较慢. *
The jelly hasn't set yet. 果冻尚未凝固.

14 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] fix (one's face or part of the body) into a firm expression 使(脸或身体某部)呈呆板表情或姿势:
He set his jaw in a determined fashion. 他挺著下巴显得很坚决.

15 [Tn] fix (hair) while it is wet so that it will dry in the desired style 固定发型; 做头发:
She's having her hair set for the party this evening. 她正在为参加今晚的聚会做头发.

16 [Tn] put (a broken bone) into a fixed position so that it will mend 将(断骨)接好或复位:
The surgeon set her broken arm. 外科医生为她接好断臂. PRESENTING IN THE RIGHT FORM 以适当的形式表现

17[Tn] choose a specific type2 for printing (a book, etc) 选用某字体为(书等)排版:
This dictionary is set in Press Roman. 本词典的英文排版用的是Press Roman字体.

18[Tn,] ~ sth (to sth) provide music for (words, a poem, etc) so that it can be sung 为(词句、 诗等)谱曲, 配乐:
Schubert set many of Goethe's poems (to music). 舒伯特为歌德的许多诗谱了曲. MOVING OR FLOWING 移动或流动

19[I] (of the sun, moon or stars) go down below the horizon (指日、 月或星)落到地平线以下:
In Britain the sun sets much later in summer than in winter. 在英国, 夏季日落时间比冬季晚得多. *
We sat and watched the sun setting. 我们坐在那里看日落. Cf 参看 rise2 7.

20[Ipr, Ip] (of the tide, a current, etc) move or flow in the specified direction (指潮水、 潮流等)流动:
The current sets strongly eastwards. 急流迅猛东去. *
The current sets in towards the shore. 潮水向岸边涌来. *
(fig 比喻) The tide of public opinion has set in his favour, ie He has the support and approval of the public. 舆论的倾向是支持他的. *
(fig 比喻) Opinion seems to be setting against (ie People are not in favour of) the proposal. 人们似乎不赞成这个建议.

21(idm 习语) be all `set (for sth/to do sth); be set for sth/to do sth be ready or prepared for sth/to do sth 准备好某事[做某事]:
Are we all set? 我们都准备好了吗? *
We were all set to go when the telephone rang. 我们都准备好要走时电话铃响了. *
The socialists look set for victory in/set to win the general election. 社会党人似已决意要在大选中获胜. (For other idioms containing set, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 查阅与set搭配的其他习语, 见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 set the pace =>pace1; set fair =>fair1.)

22(phr v) set about sb (infml) attack sb with blows or words 攻击或抨击某人:
He set about the intruders with a stick. 他用棍子打那些私闯进来的人. set about sth/doing sth (no passive 不用於被动语态) begin (a task); start doing sth 开始(某工作); 著手做某事:
I must set about my packing. 我得开始收拾行李了. *
I don't know how to set about this job. 这工作我不知如何入手. *
The new government must set about finding solutions to the country's economic problems. 新政府必须立即找出解决国家经济问题的办法. set 4
[/set; sɛt/] adj

1 [usu pred 通常作表语] having the specified position 处於某位置:
a house set on a wooded hillside 在树木丛生的山坡上的房子 *
She has deep-set eyes. 她的眼窝很深.

2 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of a person's expression) fixed; stiff (指人的表情)凝滞的, 呆板的:
Her face wore a grim, set look. 她脸上显出严厉、 木然的神情. *
a set (ie insincere) smile 假笑.

3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] fixed or arranged in advance 固定的; 事先安排的:
The meals in this hotel are at set times. 这家旅馆的用餐时间是固定的. *
There is a set procedure for making formal complaints. 要正式提出投诉是有固定程序的. *
Are there set hours of work in your company? 你们公司有固定的办公时间吗?

4 fixed and unchanging 固定不变的:
He's a man of set opinions. 他是个有固定见解的人. *
She has very set ideas about politics. 她在政治问题上有自己的固定看法. *
As people get older they become more set in their ways. 人越老越有一定之规.

5 [attrib 作定语] deliberate; specific 故意的; 具体的:
We've come here for a set purpose. 我们来到这里是有目的的.

6 (idm 习语) be (dead) `set against sth/doing sth be (firmly) opposed to sth (坚决)反对某事:
The government are set against (the idea of) raising taxes. 内阁坚决反对增加税收(的意见). be set on sth/doing sth be determined to do sth 决定做某事:
He's set on going to university. 他决心要上大学. *
She's absolutely set on publishing as a career. 她决意从事出版事业.





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