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单词 -shy
释义 (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) avoiding or not liking the thing specified 避开或厌恶某事物的:
`camera-shy, ie reluctant to be photographed *
a pub,licity-shy politician *
You've been `work-shy all your life. 你这辈子就是不喜欢工作.
shy 1
[/ʃaɪ; ʃaɪ/] adj (shyer, shyest)

1 (a) (of people) timid and nervous in the presence of others; reserved (指人)羞怯的, 腼腆的:
He was too shy to speak to her. 他很怕羞, 连话都不敢跟她说. *
The child isn't at all shy with adults. 这小孩在大人面前一点也不羞怯.
(b) (of behaviour, etc) showing that one is timid, reserved, etc (指行为等)羞怯的,  腆的:
a shy look, smile, etc 羞怯的表情、 微笑等.

2 (of animals, birds, etc) unwilling to be seen by or be near to humans; easily frightened (指鸟兽等)不愿近人的, 易受惊的, 胆怯的.

3 ~ of sb/doing sth wary or afraid of (a person or an action) 对(某人或某行为)存戒心的或有顾忌的:
The dog is shy of strangers. 这狗怕生人. *
I'm shy of buying shares, in case I lose money. 我不敢买股票, 怕赔钱.

4 ~ (on/of sth/sb) (US infml) short of or lacking sth/sb 短、 少或缺某事物[某人]:
We've plenty of wine, but we're shy on beer. 我们有很多葡萄酒, 但啤酒不够. *
We are still two men shy (of a full team). 我们还少两个人(才能凑成一个队).

5 (idm 习语) fight shy of sb/sth =>fight1. once bitten, twice shy => bite1. shy 2
v (pt, pp shied [/ʃaɪd; ʃaɪd/])

1 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) (of a horse) turn aside or hold back in fear or alarm (指马)受惊, 惊:
The colt shied at the fence and refused to jump over it. 这马驹到障碍物前害怕不敢跳过去.

2 (phr v) shy away from sth/doing sth avoid or move away from (doing) sth because of shyness, fear, etc (因害羞、 恐惧等)避免或逃避(做某事):
I've always shied away from close friendships. 我总是避免与人深交. shy 3
[/ʃaɪ; ʃaɪ/] v (pt, pp shied [/ʃaɪd; ʃaɪd/]) [Tn,] (dated infml 旧, 口) throw (sth) 投, 掷, 扔(某物):
shy stones (at a bottle, over a wall, etc) (朝瓶子、 墙那边等)扔石头. shy 4
n (infml) act of throwing 投; 掷; 扔:
have/take a couple of shies at the tin can in the lake 朝著湖里的白铁罐砍了两下. Cf 参看 coconut shy (coconut).





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