[/ˈsɪklɪ; ˋsɪklɪ/] adj (-ier, -iest) 用法: 1 often ill 常病的: a sickly child 多病的孩子. 用法: 2 looking unhealthy 不健康的: sickly, dried-out plants 长势不好、 枯槁的植物 * a pale, sickly complexion 苍白的病容 * He looked weak and sickly. 他看上去虚弱有病态. 用法: 3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] expressing unhappiness; weak; faint 显示不愉快的; 虚弱的; 无力的: a sickly smile, look 苦笑、 苦相. 用法: 4 causing or likely to cause a feeling of sickness or distaste 令人作呕的; 令人厌恶的: a sickly smell, taste, etc 令人作呕的气味、 味道等 * a sickly green colour 令人生厌的绿色 * (fig 比喻) a sickly, sentimental story 无病呻吟的伤感故事. |