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单词 simple 1
释义 [/ˈsɪmpl; ˋsɪmpl/] adj (-r, -st)

1 easily done or understood; not causing difficulty 简单的; 简明的:
a simple task, sum, problem 简单的工作、 算题、 问题 *
written in simple English 用浅显的英文写出 *
The machine is quite simple to use. 这机器使用很简便. *
When speaking to young people, keep it simple, ie speak in a way they can understand. 对年轻人说话, 要简明易懂.

2 plain in form, design, etc; without much decoration or ornament 式样简朴的; 朴素的:
simple food, furniture 简单的食物、 家具 *
a simple style of architecture 简朴的建筑风格 *
the simple life, ie a way of living without luxury, expensive entertainments, etc 简朴的生活 *
I like my clothes to be simple but elegant. 我喜欢穿朴素大方的衣服.

3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (a) not made up of many parts or elements 单纯的; 非复合的:
a simple substance, mixture 单纯的物质、 混合物 *
a simple tool, toy 简单的工具、 玩具 *
a simple sentence, ie one without subordinate clauses 简单句.
(b) not highly developed; basic in structure or function 未充分发展的; (在结构或功能方面)初级的:
simple forms of life, like one-cell organisms 生命的原始形式, 如单细胞有机体 *
a fairly simple system of classification 相当初步的分类系统.

4 (a) natural and straightforward; not sophisticated 自然的; 率直的; 天真的:
behave in a simple, open way 行为直率 *
as simple as a child 像儿童一样天真.
(b) not having a high position in society; ordinary 社会地位不高的; 普通的; 卑微的:
I'm just a simple soldier. 我只不过是普通士兵. *
My father was a simple farm-worker.我父亲是个普通的农民.

5 (a) easily deceived; inexperienced; nave 易受欺的; 无经验的; 幼稚的:
Are you simple enough to believe what that liar tells you? 你会蠢到相信那骗子说的话吗? *
I'm not so simple as to think it will be easy. 我决不致於笨得以为那是容易的事.
(b) (infml) not having normal intelligence 头脑简单的; 智能低下的:
She doesn't understand you. She's a bit simple. 她不明白你的意思. 她有点笨.

6 [attrib 作定语] nothing more or other than 纯粹的; 纯然的:
It's a simple fact. 这就是事实. *
a simple unbiased account of events 对事情纯然无偏见的叙述 *
Was it simple greed that made you steal it? 你偷这件东西是完全因为贪心作祟吗?

7 (idm 习语) pure and simple =>pure. simple 2
n (arch 古) herb used for treating illness, wounds, etc 草药.





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