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单词 sit
释义 [/sɪt; sɪt/] v (-tt-; pt, pp sat [/sæt; sæt/])

1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] be in a position in which the body is upright and resting on the buttocks, either on a seat or on the ground 坐; 就座:
Never stand when you can sit. 能坐著就别站著. *
Are you sitting comfortably? 你坐得舒服吗? *
sit on a chair, on the floor, in an armchair, etc 坐在椅子上、 地板上、 单座沙发上等 *
sit at (a) table to eat 坐在桌旁吃饭 *
sit on a horse 骑在马上.
(b) [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sb) (down); ~ oneself down (cause sb to) take up such a position; place (sb) in a sitting position (使某人)坐, 就座; 将(某人)安置成坐著的姿势:
She sat (down) on the chair and took her shoes off. 她坐在椅子上, 把鞋脱了. *
He lifted the child and sat (ie seated) her on the wall. 他把小孩举起来, 让她坐在墙上. *
Sit yourself down and tell us what happened. 你坐下, 告诉我们怎麽回事. *
(fig 比喻) We must sit down together and settle our differences. 我们得坐下来解决分歧.

2 [I, Ipr] ~ (for sb) pose for a portrait 坐著供人画像或拍照:
I sat every day for a week until the painting was finished. 我每天那样坐著, 一个星期才把我画好. *
sit for a famous painter 坐著供一位名画家画像.

3 [I] (of a parliament, lawcourt, committee, etc) hold a meeting (指国会、 法庭、 委员会等)开会, 开庭:
The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 am. 下议院凌晨三时仍在开会.

4 [I, Ipr] (a) (of birds) perch (指鸟)栖:
a sparrow sitting on a branch 栖在树枝上的麻雀.
(b) (of certain animals, esp dogs) rest with the hind legs bent and the rear end on the ground (指某些动物, 尤指狗)坐:
`Sit!' she told the dog. `坐下!'她对狗说.

5 [I] (of birds) stay on the nest to hatch eggs (指禽)孵卵:
The hen sits for most of the day. 这只母鸡整天大部分时间都在抱窝.

6 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb) (usu followed by an adv 通常後接副词) (of clothes) fit the body well (指衣服)合身:
a dress that sits well, loosely, etc on sb 某人穿著合身、 宽松等的连衣裙 *
The coat sits badly across the shoulders. 这件大衣肩部不合适. *
(fig 比喻) His new-found prosperity sits well on him, ie suits him well. 他别开蹊径十分称心如意.

7 [Ipr] be in a certain position; lie 处於某位置; 位於:
The book's still sitting on my shelf, ie I haven't read it. 那本书仍在我的书架上搁著呢(我还没看呢). *
The farm sits on top of the hill. 那个农场在山顶上.

8 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (for) sth be a candidate for (an examination) 参加(考试):
sit (for) an exam/a test 参加考试[测试] *
sit for a scholarship 为获奖学金而参加考试.

9 (idm 习语) sit at sb's `feet be sb's pupil or follower 做某人的弟子或追随者:
She sat at the feet of Freud himself. 她师承弗洛伊德. sit in `judgement (on/over sb) judge sb, esp when one has no right to do so 评论某人(尤指论者无此资格):
How dare you sit in judgement on me? 你怎麽敢对我妄加评论? sit on the `fence hesitate or fail to decide between two opposite courses of action, sets of beliefs, etc 骑墙; 持观望态度. sit on one's `hands do nothing 什麽都不干:
Are you going to sit on your hands while she does all the work? 所有的工作都是她做, 你难道什麽都不干吗? a ,sitting `duck person or thing that is an easy target, or is easy to attack 容易攻击或容易击中的人或事物:
Without my gun, I'm a sitting duck for any terrorist. 没有这支枪, 我就成了恐怖分子下手的目标. ,sitting `pretty (infml) in a fortunate situation, esp when others are unlucky 处境幸运(尤指别人不幸时):
I was properly insured so I'm sitting pretty. 我已经有了一定的保险, 因而有备无患了. ,sit `tight (a) remain where one is 留在原处; 不动:
All the others ran away, but I sat tight. 别人都跑了, 但我在原地没动.
(b) refuse to take action, yield, etc 不采取行动、 不屈服等:
She threatened us with dismissal if we didn't agree, but we all sat tight. 她威胁说若我们不同意就把我们解雇, 但大家都没理会. sit `up (and take notice) (infml) suddenly start paying attention to what is happening, being said, etc 突然注意起发生的事情或说的话等:
I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up. 我骂她惺惺作态, 她马上警觉起来. *
This news made us all sit up and take notice. 这消息立即引起我们大家的注意.

10 (phr v) sit around spend one's time sitting down, unwilling or unable to do anything 闲坐著(什麽事都不愿做或不能做):
I've been sitting around waiting for the phone to ring all day. 我一整天都坐在那儿等著来电话. sit back (a) settle oneself comfortably back, eg in a chair 倚著靠背舒服地坐著(如在椅子上):
I sat back and enjoyed a cup of tea. 我向後靠著舒适地坐著品茶.
(b) relax after working; do nothing 工作之後歇息; 什麽都不做:
I like to sit back and rest in the evenings. 我喜欢在晚上什麽也不做, 好好休息. *
Are you going to sit back and let me do everything? 你什麽事都不想做, 所有事都让我干? sit down under sth (fml 文) suffer (insults, etc) without protest or complaint 忍受(凌辱等)(不反抗或不抱怨):
He should not sit down under these accusations. 他不应该默默地忍受这类指责. sit for sth (no passive 不用於被动语态) (Brit) be the Member of Parliament for (a constituency) 任(某选区)的议会议员:
I sit for Bristol West. 我是西布里斯托尔的议会议员. sit in occupy (part of) a building as a protest 静坐示威(占据一建筑物或其中一部分):
The workers are sitting in against the factory closures. 工人们静坐示威抗议关闭工厂. sit in on sth attend (a discussion, etc) as an observer, not as a participant 列席(讨论会等):
The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting. 教师允许有一名学生列席他们的会议. sit on sth (a) (no passive 不用於被动语态) be a member of (a committee, jury, etc) 做(委员会、 陪审团等)的成员:
How many people sit on the commission? 委员会有多少成员?
(b) (infml) fail to deal with sth 搁置; 积压:
They have been sitting on my application for a month. 他们把我的申请搁置了一个月. sit on sb stop sb's bad or awkward behaviour 制止某人的不良举动:
I have to sit on the class when they get too rowdy. 班上学生太闹时, 我就得管一管. *
She thinks she knows everything, and needs sitting on. 她认为她什麽都 懂, 需要管束一下. sit out sit outdoors 坐在户外:
The garden's so lovely, I think I'll sit out. 花园真漂亮, 我想我还是坐在外面好. sit sth out (a) stay to the end of (a performance, etc) 坐著直到(演出等)结束:
sit out a boring play 耐著性子看完一出乏味的话剧.
(b) not take part in (a particular dance) 不想跳(某种舞):
I think I'll sit out the rumba. 我不想跳伦巴舞. sit through sth remain in a theatre, etc from the beginning to the end of (a performance, etc) (在剧院等)一直坐到(演出等)结束:
I can't sit through six hours of Wagner! 看六小时的瓦格纳歌剧我可坐不住! sit up (for sb) not go to bed until later than the usual time, esp because one is waiting for sb 晚睡(尤指为等候某人):
I shall get back late, so don't sit up (for me). 我要晚些回来, 别(为等我)晚睡. *
The nurse sat up with the patient all night. 那护士整夜没睡守护著病人. *
We sat up late watching a film on TV. 我们很晚都没睡觉还在看电视影片. sit (sb) up (cause sb to) move to an upright position after lying flat, slouching, etc (使某人)坐起来, 坐直, 坐正, 端坐:
The patient is well enough to sit up in bed now. 病人现在已能在床上坐起来了. *
We sat the baby up to feed her. 我们让那婴儿坐正了好喂她. *
Sit up straight! 坐直了! Cf 参看 sit up (and take notice).





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