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单词 slow 1
释义 [/sləu; slo/] adj (-er, -est)

1 not moving, acting or done quickly; taking a long time; not fast 行动迟缓的; 费时的; 慢的:
a slow runner, vehicle, journey 跑得慢的人、 行驶缓慢的车、 费时的旅程 *
a slow recovery from illness 缓慢的康复 *
We're making slow progress. 我们进展缓慢. *
a slow poison 慢性毒药 *
They played the overture at a fairly slow tempo. 他们用相当缓慢的速度演奏那首序曲.

2 not quick to learn; finding things hard to understand 迟钝的; 愚钝的:
a slow child, learner, pupil, etc 迟钝的孩子、 学习者、 学生等 *
slow at figures, ie not good at doing calculations, etc 不善於计算.

3 [pred 作表语] ~ to sth/do sth; ~ (in/about) doing sth not doing things immediately; hesitating to act, speak, etc 迟缓的; 犹豫的:
(fml 文) slow to anger 不轻易发怒 *
She's not slow to tell us what she thinks. 她总是毫不犹豫地把她的想法告诉我们. *
They were very slow (about) paying me. 他们不痛痛快快把钱付给我.

4 not lively or active enough; sluggish 不活跃的; 不景气的:
The film's too slow, eg does not have enough exciting scenes, etc. 这部影片太没劲了. *
Business is rather slow today, eg not many goods are being sold. 今天生意很清淡.

5 [pred 作表语] (often preceded by two minutes, one hour, etc 常用於two minutes、 one hour等之後) (of watches and clocks) showing a time earlier than the correct time (指钟表)慢:
That clock is five minutes slow, eg It shows 1.55 when it is 2.00. 那座钟慢了五分.

6 (of a route, etc) not allowing great speed (指路径等)不能快速行进的:
the slow road through the mountains 只能慢行的山路.

7 (of a surface) causing what moves over it (esp a ball) to move at a reduced speed (指表面)能降低(尤指球)运动速度的:
a slow billiard table, cricket pitch, etc 能减低球的速度的台球台、 板球场等 *
Long grass makes the field slower. 场地上草很长能影响球的速度.

8 (of photographic film) not very sensitive to light (指摄影胶片)感光性低的.

9 (idm 习语) quick/slow on the draw => draw1. quick/slow on the uptake => uptake. slow 2
[/sləu; slo/] adv (-er, -est)

1 (used after vs, after how or in compounds with participles 用於动词或how之後, 或与分词构成复合词) at a slow1(1) speed; slowly 缓慢地; 低速地:
Tell the driver to go slower. 告诉司机开慢些. *
How slow this train goes! 这列火车开得多慢哪! *
slow-moving 缓慢移动的 *
slow-cooked food 用文火烹调的食物.

2 (idm 习语) go `slow (a) (of workers) work slowly, esp as a protest or to make their employer meet their demands (指工人)怠工(尤指为抗议或迫使雇主答应要求). Cf 参看 go-slow (go).
(b) be less active than usual 减少活动:
You ought to go slow until you feel really well again. 你应该减少活动, 要到真正康复以後再说. slow 3
[/sləu; slo/] v

1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn,, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up/down) (cause sth to) go at a slower speed (使某事物)缓行, 减速:
The train slowed (down) (to a crawl) as it approached the station. 火车进站时慢了下来. *
Output has slowed (up) a little. 生产已放慢了一点. *
She slowed the car down and stopped. 她把汽车速度减慢後停了下来. *
Lack of demand will slow (down) our economic growth. 市场需求低就要拖慢我们的经济增长速度.

2 (phr v) slow up/down work less energetically 松弛下来:
Slow up a bit, or you'll make yourself ill. 别这麽卖力气, 不然你要累出病来的.





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